Throw Away That Degree Otherwise You Will Die Poor

Throw Away That Degree Otherwise You Will Die Poor
Most of the educated people in Kenya are poor. The majority of the educated earn less than 50K for a salary before tax and other deductions. When the deductions are put into consideration, the net salary comes to around 40K. The net salary then suffers from loan deductions of up to 10K leaving the salary at around 30K. The landlord then demands his 10K and monthly shopping takes away 10K leaving one with a 10K. The bus will demands 5K going to and from work and relatives get another 5K. The whole salary is gone and borrowed money starts operating. The borrowed money includes short loans and salary advances.

The difference between poverty and prosperity is property. A prosperous person has a property to his name while a poverty-stricken person has no property to show. Using this understanding, therefore, most of the degree holders are poverty-stricken, borrowing money to buy chicken and chips, pizza, and a car.

The biggest excuse for getting paid such low amounts of money and having to sit and work for another person for 30 days is THE DEGREE that one possesses and that’s all. This has made most of the degree holders very poor and will die that way most likely. A degree holder does not know how to generate money unless that money is generated for the employer. A degree holder is so dependent on the salary that he can do anything to get a job but will not think of starting a business of his own to employ others.

A degree holder is not prepared to sell chips but is very happy to work for a hungry lion.

A degree holder is not prepared to sell popcorn on the street but is very happy to work for Vodafone outlet in a tent by the roadside.

A degree holder is not prepared to sell second-hand clothes but is very happy to be employed by DAPP which the business of selling second-hand clothes.

A degree holder is not prepared to make 20K monthly doing his own business but is very happy to work at the till in a bank getting paid 18K.

A degree holder is not prepared to start a company and grow it in two to three years but will spend three years searching for a job.

A degree holder is not prepared to sell food to students but will be happy to be reporting to a boss with no qualifications as long as he is paid 10K for a salary.
A degree holder is so eager to get out of this country and work in another country than spend the time to develop his own country.

A degree holder staying in a foreign land (a Kenyan) is very keen to condemn Kenya but never contributing to the development of this country.

A Kenyan degree holder would rather sweep the streets of London or USA than starting a business and make money in Kenya – others work in people’s homes doing some work there.

A degree holder will watch porn on his laptop but never to write a book using the same laptop to sell and make money.

A degree holder will blame the government for lack of jobs even after he was on government bursary for him to have his degree.

Kenya is blessed with people who have master’s degree and others are doctors in different technical fields such as IT and Engineering but all of them have failed to create a cartoon character and develop a movie from the same instead very happy to buy Tom and Jerry for their children thereby promoting America.

At the school I go to, there is a man that is of very humble background. He does not even know how to speak English but sells Coke, Fanta, and Sprite at 30 each making a profit of about 5 shillings on each drink. He also sells chips at 50 bob making a profit of 10 bob on each portion. Not less than 50 students buy chips and a drink every single day. This means he makes a profit of 15 bob for a drink and chips and a total profit of 750 per day…every single day. In ten days he makes a profit of 7500, in twenty days 15K and in thirty days 22, 500 Kshs. Remember he also sells airtime, sweets, water, etc.

The degree holder working in a bank at the till gets a salary of 18K every month.

Why are the degree holders poor?

Because they have decided to pride themselves in a degree and failed to think better than a man who does not have even a certificate to his name.

Degree holders spend their time liking articles on Facebook but never have any care in the world to implement what they like. Poverty starts from the mind, a mind that just likes things but never to implement those things.

If you want to progress, throw away that degree and start thinking better than someone without a degree. Be prepared to get your hands dirty and work like an ox for your business. Your hard work will pay off.
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