5 Tips that Increase Your Chances of Getting an Internship Anywhere

Intern using a photocopier
In today's job market, almost everything has become competitive. No matter what your skills are or who you know you might have some difficulty getting that first foot in the door. Still, you can use these five tips to help secure an internship that will benefit you in your career search after graduation.

1. Accept No Pay
Be realistic about what you can expect in the world of internships. It is unlikely that you are going to find an internship that pays. At best, you might be reimbursed for transportation costs or receive a stipend when the internship has concluded. Therefore, you should accept the fact that you will likely be an unpaid intern. While the business may not be spending money on you, the time, knowledge, and resources shared for your training will be of great benefit to you.

2. Use the Career Center
So many students never bother to go to their college career centers, and they are really missing out on some excellent opportunities by doing so. At the career center, you can speak with a counselor about your specific goals and the best ways that you can achieve these goals. Furthermore, the career center can help you find an internship. In fact, in many schools, the career center will place you into the internship. Still, you need to express an interest and a dedication to be accepted.

3. Fix Your Resume
In quite a number of programs, you are going to be required, or at least strongly advised, to complete an internship. Some students might take this for granted and assume that they are just going to fall into an internship. You don't want just any internship for the sake of having one to put on your résumé, but you want to be blessed with a good one in which you can learn valuable skills. Therefore, you want to show employers that you are serious about the job and ready to work as an adult. Get some help from your school's career center and writing center to craft a cover letter and résumé that are stellar.

4. Dress the Part
Before you can secure an internship opportunity for yourself, you will usually go for an interview. Do not assume that it's okay to wear jeans and sneakers just because you are a college student. Again, the employers want to see that you are serious about your work and that you take this job with the utmost level of respect. Generally, it's best to dress in a slightly more formal fashion that the typical office culture. This rule applies even in the most creative of fields. Even if the usual dress code is casual and most employees wear jeans, wear slacks or a nice skirt to the interview.

5. The Location
Before you are even close to getting an internship, choose the college that you plan to attend. If you want to secure an internship that is really going to help you grow, it is wise to look for schools that have a lot of connections. These will present you with the most opportunities in your field. Having a sense of local opportunities is wise.

Internships are important when you are in college because they give you the chance to make a positive impression on the boss and to possibly have a job waiting for you after college.
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