January and February are the best months for job hunting!


After years of work you’ve finally got the degree to show for it—definitely an accomplishment worth celebrating.

But unless you’re going straight to back to school for another degree, once the graduation parties are over it’s time to take what you’ve learned and become a productive member of society.

January and February is the best time of the year to look for a job. These are two of the best months to look for long-term, full-time jobs. These are the months most companies receive updated budgets and sales forecasts. Executives have a better idea of what they need and whether they can afford to hire new team members. Career advisors actually consider these the top months for hiring.

Keep in mind January starts slow for most people. Employees returning from holiday vacations take a few weeks to re-organize their workflow. Accordingly, wait until the middle or latter part of January to send your resume. Also, remember to search the company's job board frequently during these months. Most companies delay hiring during December, making job boards ripe for the picking.

The biggest downside to first of the year hiring is the slow pace. The company has plenty of money, time and resources to choose the right candidate. Finalizing the interview and signing the contract may take longer during these months.

Here are some tips to prepare for the job search.

  • Keep your resume updated. One of the most important aspects of any job search is updating your resume. Don't wait until the last minute. Keep an updated resume template. You can use it to easily customize your resume to the specific job. Try to update your resume quarterly or, at the very least, once a year. Schedule the time in your calendar to help you remember and stay committed to the task.
  • Increase your skills or add new experiences. Education is a never-ending story, literally. We must continuously upgrade our skills and learn new areas to advance in our careers. Increase your marketability by taking a certification course. Or add new abilities to your portfolio by taking a nighttime business class at your local college. Have you thought of getting your master's degree? There are several reputable online universities that help professionals.
  • Don't give up. Sometimes, the hardest part of job hunting is simply getting started. You may draw a blank while editing your resume. Many times our schedules get in the way of preparation and career advancement. Schedule some time each month to upgrade your skills or practice a mock interview. Never give up. Starting the search, regardless of the time of year, isn't easy. It takes time and patience to succeed. Rome wasn't built in a day. Your job search won't end in a day either.
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