See How I Make $1000 a Month Online

Working online

If you’ve been on this blog long enough, you’re probably aware that I’m always on the lookout for income streams that can sustain my traveling lifestyle without nyemelearing my savings.

A making money online milestone that I’ve been keen on is to make at least $100 a day from my online pursuits.

Ever since committing to my bucket list, I’ve had to find creative ways to kick items off the list and to sustain the travel lifestyle.

This post, therefore, is to give you a glimpse into how I, a mama who DOES NOT LIVE in the United States, or Canada, or some country in the European Union, can make money online ($1000 a month to be precise).

It’s not a lot but it has enabled me to afford some luxuries without feeling guilty. It helps pay the bills, cover most of my travel costs and it shows that it is possible to make money online in Kenya.

A few disclaimers though before I dive in.

Making money online as a Kenyan is no easy task.

Let no one lie to you.

It takes lots of patience and hard work before you get your first shilling.


I personally invest between 20 to 30 hours a week doing these extra things, on top of my regular job (when I had one), and my consultancy projects.

So it’s definitely NOT some get rich quick scheme. Sorry to disappoint you.

But one thing I can guarantee you is that it is worth it. One day, your investment in time and/or money will pay off.

This article, therefore, is for those who have extra time on their hands and are willing to trade it off for some extra cash without having to look at another boss’s face or be stuck in a smell matatu with all windows closed!

In my case, for instance, I started this blog about a year ago after a lay off.

After being attached to a full-time job for about 3 years, I suddenly now had all this time in my hands, and so many travel stories to share. I had to look for a way to spend all the time and share the stories.

There’s nothing as impressive as waking up in the morning and finding out that you just made money as you enjoyed your sleep. I wouldn’t trade that for anything.

It’s definitely a better alternative to being stuck in a Nairobi traffic, having to pay extra matatu fare just because God sent us showers of blessings, or having to be at the mercy of another boss (again!!).

And by the way, all these ways to make money online I list here pays you in US$, multiply that x 100 and if you’re based in Kenya, it’s not so little.

If you’re looking for ways to make some extra money on the side, I would definitely urge you to give any of the ideas I will list here a try.

This is obviously not a conclusive list of everything an individual can do to make money online by any chance, but its a great place to start.

Do your own due diligence, talk to those who’ve been there done that, and as I always say, make Google your friend. Then pick what works best for you, your family, your current day job, your schoolwork, and your schedule in general. I am certain there is at least one revenue stream that you will find useful.

Your investment:
  • A functioning laptop or computer. In fact, there are some whereby you can make money online without a computer or laptop. A mobile phone would be sufficient.
  • Internet, WiFi, Bundles, whatever you wanna call it.
  • 30-40 hours a week.
  • A few ounces of patience to figure it all out.

With every method that I use to make $1,000 money online in Kenya that I state, I will try my level best to explain why I chose it, provide a quick recap of how you can start making money too, and the business model that I use.

For most of these methods, by simply clicking on the links, you will find the payment proofs of how much I earn from them. For others, you may need to dig in a little further. But all you need to find is available on this site.

Since everyone asks me, “How do you afford to travel?”, and “Can I make money online in Kenya?”, without much further ado, here’s how different online income streams pay the air tickets.

How I Make $1000 a Month Online

So far, my income online comes from the following sources:


If you’re hearing about Etsy for the first time, it’s an online marketplace designed specifically for unique, handmade or vintage items and craft supplies.

I source my stuff from Maasai Market at Globe Cinema roundabout on Tuesdays, as well as from Kariakor. Both are a very short walking distance from CBD.

Mwanamke ni kujikaza:)

Truth be told, I currently I’m NOT about to become a millionaire from selling on Etsy but it sure makes for a steady side income to supplement my other online income streams.

If you need help on starting out, holla me and I will be happy to guide you

Promote Affiliate Products on my Blog

Another way I make money online is by using this blog you’re reading right now.

Essentially, throughout this blog are in-content affiliate links. So, whenever you make a purchase using my link, I earn a commission – AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU.

My best performing affiliate products include the following relationship e-books:
  • The Magic of Making Up
  • How to Get Your Ex Back
I also get some money each time someone hosts their blog with the BlueHost web hosting platform – the hosting platform where this blog is hosted.

Before the possibility of withdrawing money from PayPal using M-Pesa, I also made a ton of money promoting the Payoneer Prepaid Card.

Get Paid to Shop

Through the Ebates platform, I get Cash Back for any online shopping I do.

With 2,000+ stores to choose from, I usually get between 2 to 7% of my money back per month, depending on what I buy.

Rent Out Extra Room in My House on Airbnb and

As a frequent traveler, Airbnb and have proven to be my greatest cash cows.

I make money on both Airbnb and by listing spare rooms in my house when I am in Nairobi. Any time I am going away, I list the entire home on these sites. And guess what, sometimes I end up earning more than what the holiday costed me!

Through the guests that come to my house, I have also made many friends from the world over. I can literally walk into most cities around the globe and they’ll be at least one person that I know.

If you’d like to start an AirBnB business in Kenya and are wondering how, please click on this link for a sample AirBnB business plan and start making money online today.

Sell Stuff on OLX

You can sell literally anything on OLX. Like from chicken, to goats, to cows, to shoes, to lipstick, to honey to clothes. ANYTHING!!

I even have a sister who sells fresh tilapia from Lake Victoria on OLX. And she offers free delivery. And she makes money.

Personally, I have bought and sold a HELL LOT A stuff on OLX.

I have flipped land and houses. I have sold honey and peanut butter. I have sold to mtush second-hand backpacking bags.

Bangi tu ndio sijauza… Na sisemi uende uuze. Mark you Kamiti na Langáta Women hazijaangi 🙂

Respond to Legitimate Paid Surveys Online is an online “marketplace” to find online or in-person surveys and focus groups.

It is by far my most favorite site to look for legitimate surveys open to Kenyans living in Kenya.

I make money on through two main ways:
  • Through Project Referrals. I earn a $50 referral bonus for if I refer someone to a specific study, and the person I refer to participates in the study I referred them to.
  • By referring people to participate in surveys using a referral link. I earn a $20 referral bonus whenever anyone I refer to participates in a paid research opportunity on the platform. This one is not tied to any particular project.
  • By participating in research studies myself.
To participate in a survey, fill out your profile and select your preferred topics. Then browse for projects in the market place that you can participate in and fill out the screening questions.

What I have learned though is that due to their relatively higher payouts and that is one of the few survey sites open to a global audience, the surveys usually approval rates are rather low and they oversubscribe really fast.

That means you have to be chap chap in order to increase your odds of being approved to take part in a survey. One minute you will see a project you’re qualified for. You blink, and the next second it's oversubscribed.

Personally, I have a tab open on my phone and I keep refreshing it throughout the day. I have also bookmarked on my computer and I keep checking it every so often as I do my other work on the computer.

You will need to fill out screening questions to be pre-qualified for approval to take part in a survey. Thank God the screening questions are relatively short.

But the beauty is that when you do get approved, you will be smiling all the way to the bank.

And they pay really well. Sometimes up to KES 12,000 per survey:). The payout is via Paypal, a week after completion of the survey or focus group.

And most of the surveys or focus groups are done online either remotely or via webcam.

There are so many survey sites that you can participate in. Do your homework. I have also listed in this post some other legitimate paid survey sites that you might want to check out.

Do Freelance Work

This is by far one of the top ways I earn $1,000 in a month.

As a Nairobi freelance writer and affordable business plan writer, I make money writing content for businesses as well as business plans.

I have found freelance work through the following main freelancing platforms:
  • Fivver
  • Upwork
  • Peopleperhour
So…This is How I Make $1,000 in a Month!
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