Here is the simplified guide on how to apply for placement into a tertiary institution through the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service:

KUCCPS Application Guidelines and procedure for the 2023/2024 Academic year.

  • To apply, log onto the Student’s Portal at https://students.kuccps.net/ Using your KCSE Index Number and KCSE Year. Use your Birth Certificate Number/KCPE Index Number as the Password.
  • All programmes have a minimum subject requirement. You will only be able to apply for a course whose minimum requirements you meet, but the selection will be determined by the overall performance and the available capacity.
  • You may view the available programmes and their requirements by clicking the Programmes tab in the portal. You can also search for courses by an institution, using the Institutions tab.
  • As you select the programmes, you may move the ones that interest you into the Course Basket. This will enable you to work with a shorter list when preparing your final list of courses to apply for.
  • Once you have settled on your preferred courses, you will only be required to enter the Programme Codes.
  • To apply, use the Application/Revision tab to enter the Programme Codes.
  • After confirming that the Programme Codes entered are for the courses you would like to apply for, please submit and follow the application fee payment instructions.
  • An application processing fee is charged as follows:
  1. Students applying for the first time – Ksh 1,500
  2. Students revising their choices submitted in school – Ksh1,000
  • The placement processing fee should be paid after you have selected courses.
  • You are advised to keep your transaction code safely. It will be required before you make any subsequent changes to your application.

How to Pay for KUCCPS 2023/2024, KUCCPS Business number

  • Go to your Lipa Na M-PESA Menu
  • Select Pay Bill
  • Enter Business Number 820201
  • For the Account Number, enter your KCSE Year and KCSE Index Number (no space)
  • Enter your M-PESA PIN and Send.

The Placement Procedure

Students placement to institutions of higher learning occurs in four (4) phases, namely:

Stage 1: KUCCPS School/Centre Application

The School/Centre application phase occurs between October and December. All candidates should be encouraged to apply and can select for four levels. However, they should make choices for programmes they are only interested in pursuing. No program is mandatory.

Stage 2: KUCCPS first revision

First revision for degree and diploma choices will be on dates to be announced by placement service after the release of KCSE results.

Stage 3: KUCCPS second revision

Candidates who will not have qualified on competitive selection for any of their preferred choices during the first round of selection will be given a chance to do second revision by selecting courses with unfilled capacities.

Stage 4: Placement of any Programme.

Any applicant who fails to qualify for their choices but meet the cut off points for placement may be offered any course with unfilled capacities taking into account the minimum requirements for admission.

How to Log onto the KUCCPS Portal

  • Access the Student’s login portal by using the address: https://students.kuccps.net/login/
  • Enter your 2019 KCSE index number, KCSE year (2019) and your password ( Use Your Birth Certificate No. / KCPE Index No (as used in KCSE Exam Registration) as your Initial Password).

How to download Various resources/ Guides from the KUCCPS portal:

Visit the KUCCPS resources download page at https://students.kuccps.net/downloads/ To download various resources for the 2023/2024 Academic year. The following resources are available for download:
  • The Principal’s manual
  • Degree Programmes Cutoff
  • Diploma Programme Codes
  • Craft Programme Codes
  • Artisan Programmes Codes
  • Degree Cluster Document

KUCCPS Contacts

Physical Location: ACK Gardens, 1st Ngong’ Avenue, Upperhill Nairobi
Telephone: 020 5137400, 0723954927, 0734879662
Email: info@kuccps.ac.ke
Postal Address: P. O. Box 105166 – 00101, Nairobi


  • The Centre/School application can only be submitted by the Principal, not individual students. It is important that Principals/schools apply for a student for placement to Universities or Colleges. The Principal can access the Placement Service Portal through http://schools.kuccps.net/ or by visiting the Placement Service website: http://kuccps.net and clicking on the link marked Principal’s Portal.
  • All schools/centres are supposed to create a new account, kindly click on the ‘New Account’ link and fill in the relevant verification details to create the new account. This is done by entering: The school’s KNEC code and correct index numbers & last names of any two students/ candidates. Then click on submit.
  • Next, create the user for the school who can either be the school’s Career teacher or Principal. The following details are required: First name, Last name, Email, Phone Number, User Name (TSC Number, ID Number or Passport Number) and role (Career Teacher or Principal). Create your Password and click on Submit. If successful, a message thus; ‘Account Created: Your account has been created successfully. Please proceed to login,’ will be displayed.
  • Now, Log onto your account by using your User Name (TSC Number, ID Number or Passport Number) and Password.
  • Move to the ‘Applications’ tab. Fill in the School Location and Contact information. This includes: The County, Sub County, Constituency, Ward, Division, Location and Sub Location. Click on ‘Submit’ once done.
  • Click the ‘Application Template’ button. This will download the excel workbook where you will be expected to populate with the student’s choices. (7-digit Programme Codes NOT Programme Names).

Filing Students’ choices

a) Filling and saving the template

The student has 18 choices open to them,
  1. 6 Degree options (1a, 1b, 1c, 2, 3, 4)
  2. 4 Diploma options (1,2,3,4).
  3. 4 Craft Certificate options (1,2,3,4)
  4. 4 Artisan Certificate options (1,2,3,4).

The Student is allowed to apply for either any combination of or all levels, but they should be in the appropriate fields, i.e. no Diploma Codes in the Degree area or vice versa, these choices will be disregarded.

The student should only apply for programmes they will be comfortable pursuing if they are placed to them. No field is mandatory.

If a student will not be applying, do not enter anything in the fields, leave the choice cells
blank and only fill the contact details.

Choices 1a-1c should be the same programme in different institutions, in cases where the
programme only exists in one or two institution/s please enter only the one/s available and skip the other. Do NOT fill the gap with another unrelated option as it will be disregarded at upload.

Once the file is fully populated, save it as an Excel Workbook (.xlsx) any other format will be rejected.

b) Uploading the filled-in template

On the portal, under application, click on ‘Upload Form’ and submit. Once uploaded, the system will generate a report on the same page, please ensure the details appearing there are correct, i.e. only the ones who paid and are making applications are marked, once you submit the form, you will not be able to change the students who will be allocated the funds.

Any programme codes highlighted in pink are erroneous and should be corrected. Once satisfied the report is representative of the intended upload, check the payment requirement and make the payment.

c) Paying for the Applicants

All payments are made via Mpesa Paybill for the whole amount for the number of applicants, the details are as detailed below:
  • Business Number: 820201
  • Account: 8-digit Center Code
  • Amount: (500*Number of Applicants).

d) Finalising

Once you have paid enter the Mpesa transaction code in the field provided and ‘Apply’ the payment, this will assign the funds to the students with choices.

Click ‘Save Application’ to commit the choices.

Please note you will not be able to change allocation for student funds after saving, so be certain before submitting. Visit the Dashboard at any time to view the current application.

KUCCPS Requirements to join Tvet Institutions

To qualify for TVET programmes, one must meet these basic requirements: Must score;

LevelKCSE Mean Grade
DiplomaC- (minus) and above
Craft CertificateD (plain) and above
Artisan CertificateD-(minus) and below
The available programmes, institutions, minimum entry requirements and the application procedure are available on the KUCCPS Student’s Portal accessible through the Placement Service website www.kuccps.ac.ke.
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