12 Lifestyle Changes That Can Reduce Infertility Risks

12 Lifestyle Changes That Can Reduce Infertility Risks
When there is an issue of unexplained infertility, it is a good idea to look at your lifestyle. Here are some of the explained lifestyle changes that you ought to take into consideration to keep your fertile life constant.

Do the following 12 things to avoid infertility

1. Balance Your Day

Set boundaries with work, family, friends & exercise. Too much of anything is not a good thing. Although we are constantly reminded that moderation is the key. We seldom recognize it in ourselves. Plan your day out on paper. Divide your time evenly and stick to it.

2. Improve How You Work

Always remember to work smart. Do not allow the "fires you put out " each day to become uncontrollable. Allow a certain amount of time for these issues as well as new projects, clients or meetings.

3. Get Exercise

Exercise is what your body instinctively wants to do especially when one is under stress; fight or flight & it works. It burns off some of the stress chemicals which tension produces. Therefore, a tired muscle is a relaxed muscle. Regular exercise builds stamina that can help anyone battle stress & prepare the body for the road ahead. Try even something as casual as a walk around the block can help you burn off some of the tension that you carry around, as well as helps increase your blood circulation.

4. Look at Food

Carbohydrates provide glucose for energy. Excessive carbohydrates can increase blood sugar levels to dangerous levels, which then makes your body shut down to protect itself. Protein is important because it allows the brain to synthesize the neurotransmitters Dopamine & Norepinephrine, which help keep your mind attentive & alert. Excessive Protein levels make the organs of digestion work much harder to process this food & robs your energy stores. Find the balance that works with you. Listen to your body! It will tell you what makes you feel good & what does not. Especially in the long term. If you have issues with excessive heat, look at eating foods that have a cooling nature. If you have an excess cold, look at eating foods that have a warming nature. Neutral foods help to regulate our system.

5. Prepare for Better Sleep

Overthinking is a culprit that will rob you of great energizing & restorative sleep. Turn off that mind by starting to wind down early. Give yourself a " quiet time “. Utilize the power of peaceful music, a good book, diffusing essential oils, warm milk, or tea before you lay down.

6. Manage Your Best Energy Times

Take advantage of your natural energy highs. Do your most strenuous work, thinking, planning, exercise when you have your greatest energy. Note the time when you feel your best & when you feel you're worse. Expand your energy where it is most needed, pull back where you feel you can.

7. Keep Hydrated

Drink plenty of fluids, especially on hot, dry, windy days. if you're doing strenuous exercise, drink some fluids before the activity begins. You should also drink at regular intervals (every 30 minutes or so) during your activity & after the activity ends.

8. Boost Your Hormones

Reduce sedentary behaviors such as watching television & using computers. Being in one place for a long period slows metabolism & energy production. Proper Nutrition is crucial for hormone balance & may lessen infertility. Essential Fatty acids and nutrients such as Vitamin A, B6 Zinc, Magnesium & antioxidants are key factors to hormonal balance & therefore fertility. Supplements are essential for any woman trying to get pregnant. Include a high-quality prenatal vitamin. Prenatal should also have 800-1,000 mg of Folic Acid. DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a natural hormone that the female body converts into androgens, mainly testosterone. Even though Androgens are male hormones, they're present in both sexes & are essential in the female body for the production & development of healthy eggs. Fish oil is a natural hormone balancer.

9. Learn to do Nothing

Our urge to drive ourselves to greater accomplishments, creates other issues such as exhaustion, leading to stress hence induced infertility. Create or allow a few hours in your week to simply relax & do nothing. If you cannot find a few hours, it is time to rethink your priorities & commitments.

10. View Your Lifestyle

If an illness is not the cause of your Infertility, then it is a lifestyle issue. Consider counseling or talking about your issues with family, career personnel, or your doctor. Find the issues that are taking you away from a vital, fertile life and do what it takes to regain it.

11. Make use of the Power of Positive Thinking

Trying to get pregnant can often put a major strain on your relationship with your partner. Sometimes couples feel too tired & stressed to have intercourse or it feels too mechanical due to the pressure of trying to conceive. Keeping a positive attitude is imperative to getting pregnant because it improves your overall mental health. Studies have found that positive thinking decreases levels of stress & the risk of depression, which in turn led to increased odds of getting pregnant. Many women feel" hopeless “, "damaged “, & " inadequate “. These mental processes will decrease your chances of overcoming infertility & getting pregnant. Address the Emotional Component.

12. Improve Your Chances

Your chances of getting pregnant each month greatly depend on your menstrual cycle & even more so, on ovulation. That is why timing intercourse is an excellent way to improve your fertility chances. It is advisable to prepare a basal body temperature (BBT) chart. This charting is a great way of seeing & understanding your menstrual cycle, ovulation & period. Get started on your BBT chart now & learn better ways to predict your ovulation time.
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