Cancer fighting food
We have a long way in our understanding of cancer, but still, a final solution eludes us. Cancer is one of the top three causes of death in older people, and as we are living longer, we should do all we can to prevent this most sinister of diseases. It is encouraging to know that we have the ability to do something to help prevent it. At least 35 percent of all cancers are associated with incorrect diet and, in the case of colon cancer, the diet may account for 80 percent of cases. The most common cancer in women is breast cancer. In men, prostate cancer incidence equals that of breast cancer in women.

Studies show that diet plays a major role in preventing cancer. There is a great deal of scientific research that emphasizes the role of diet in both the causation and prevention of cancer. Professor Walter Willet from the Harvard School of Public Health states, ‘Ongoing research continues to support the view that diet significantly influences the incidence of many human cancers.’ He goes on to recommend that in addition to the correct diet, a daily multivitamin supplement containing folic acid should be taken. 

Here are more of his suggestions;
  1. Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables daily, ensuring that you choose a wide variety. Try to include some cruciferous vegetables (examples include; Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli), a leafy green vegetable, red fruit or vegetable, as well as either yellow or orange vegetables or fruit.
  2. Eat more fiber in wholegrain cereals, fruit, and vegetables to improve bowel transit time and promote a healthy gut environment.
  3. Avoid processed meat and smoked and salted products. Cut down on roasts and barbecues.
  4. Avoid rancid fats in cooking oils, and trans-fatty acids in margarine.
  5. Eat more omega-3-rich fish, especially fatty fish.
  6. Avoid additives and preservatives by reading all food labels carefully.
  7. Avoid plastic wrapping (which contains estrogen-like compounds), and do not use aluminum cooking utensils.
  8. Food should be fresh in order to avoid ingesting molds and aflatoxins.
  9. The cumulative effect of inappropriate foods, together with smoking, excess alcohol, obesity, and lack of exercise, can trigger cancer.
  10. Stress depletes the immune system and decreases the activity of natural killer cells. During times of stress, it is vital that you should concentrate on an optimum cancer-protecting diet, and on taking additional antioxidant and multi-vitamin supplements.
  11. Read more suggestions here what-foods-protects-against-cancer
In addition to diet, follow the general rules of a healthy lifestyle, especially exercise. The incidence of colon cancer has been shown to be inversely related to exercise. 
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