Tips for Recovering After a Miscarriage

Sad African woman crying

Recovering after a miscarriage can be quite tough, especially emotionally. However, trying all you can to recover in earnest boosts your chances of having a full-term and healthy pregnancy when you’re ready to conceive again.

Find a few tips to foster speedy recovery and get you in good shape to try for another baby.

Let out all the negative emotions. 

Don’t try to bottle up your feelings in a bid to be brave. Find support in your spouse, family and close friends by sharing your different thoughts and feelings. Their several hugs and words of encouragement may help relieve the emotional pain and give you more courage to recover.

Rule out any underlying cause. 

Be sure to let your doctor investigate potential underlying causes, especially if this is not your first miscarriage, so you can get necessary medical care, bounce back to good health and prevent subsequent miscarriages.

This is why you should only consult competent doctors. Getting a second opinion after any diagnosis is also a good idea to make sure you’re not leaving anything to chance.

Give yourself time to heal. 

It’s common to want to start trying for another baby almost immediately after a miscarriage, after all, having a new baby insight will make you feel better about the previous loss. However, you need to wait until you bounce back physically and emotionally to minimize your risk of another miscarriage.

Some experts recommend waiting till after two or three normal menstrual periods, provided you are not undergoing tests or treatments for the cause of the miscarriage.

Note that if you’ve had more than 2 – 3 miscarriages in a row, you may need help with getting pregnant, so, talk to your doctor.

Eat a variety of healthy foods. 

While grieving your loss, food is likely the last thing on your mind but you need a wholesome, well-balanced diet to help your body heal, get replenished, and ready to conceive again. It will also help you minimize the risk of another miscarriage.

If you find shopping for ingredients and preparing them overwhelming and you don’t have paid help, enlist help from a close friend or family. Some women invite a younger sister or cousin to help out in the meantime.

Take a prescribed supplement. 

In addition to a healthy diet, ask your doctor for a prescription that makes up for your nutritional deficiencies and equally has essentials including folic acid, iron, vitamin D, and zinc. You should take this religiously with other prescribed medications and honor all your follow-up appointments.

Remember to discuss every concern and symptom you may still have during these appointments. You may make a few notes as you experience them and take with you for your appointment so you don’t leave anything out. Discussing these will help your doctor assess your unique situation better and devise ways to foster your speedy recovery.

Be active. 

Don’t resign to your bed or always staying indoors. Try to engage in exercises including walking, swimming, and yoga. This will help your body heal faster, prepare it for a healthy pregnancy and release lots of feel-good hormones to make you feel a lot better.


Some women bury themselves in work and house chores to make them forget the pain. However, this is often counterproductive as it only increases your stress level. Overexerting yourself and failing to manage stress will reduce your recovery speed and may reduce your chances of conceiving when you are ready to try again. So, try to pamper yourself, let yourself be pampered and enlist help as much as needed.

When you eventually conceive again, try to stay positive, maintain a healthy lifestyle and have the pregnancy carefully monitored.

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