More than just replenishing lost water, drink it to increase stomach volume. So, if you are eating a meal, be sure to drink a large glass of water alongside. This has the following benefits:
- If you are drinking water, you are less likely to be drinking soda or juice to wash your food down.
- Drinking water along with food fills up the stomach by volume. Thereby, signals feedback mechanism in the brain to terminate the meal, as the stomach fills up.
- Consuming sugar-sweet beverages (SSB)—juice or soda—with a meal greatly increases overall caloric amount prior to turning off the satiety signals in the brain.
Quick and Easy way to do this:
- Start and end your day with a glass of water. When you wake up, the first thing is to drink at least 8oz glass of water either cold or room temperature. This glass of water on an empty stomach initiates a number of internal processes increasing overall metabolism.
- Before and during a meal drink another 8oz glass of water.
- Enjoy a calorie-free tea, flavored with mint or lemon after the meal. The tea decreases chances of reaching for dessert and once again, helps to increase stomach volume.