I Make No Apologies for Breastfeeding in Public. See Why!

Woman breastfeeding in public
It's no secret that when it comes to breastfeeding in public in most parts of the world, there's still a fair amount of stigma and shame involved. Expect to be stared at, sometimes with disgust. A lot of mummies are getting tired of all this unwanted fuss and attention. It seems to be okay to display cleavage in public,

Here is a little bit of my experience so far...

Initially, family members, especially my mum and hubby would tell me to cover up when breastfeeding. After a while, they gave up. As for people, I don't know... no one has ever come up to me to tell me off. However, I remember, once in the Hospital, while waiting for a lactation consultant, they tried to shove me to the nursing room. A similar incident happened at the polyclinic too.

And when my son was about 3, at the Hospital Parkway, the staff came and told me to cover up or go somewhere else, as there were people around (we were actually waiting to get admitted).

At some point, my hubby showed reservations. My hubby was initially saying things like, "You are showing your breasts to other people." I replied with, "No, I'm just feeding your son when he needs it." After a while he supported me."

Also when my son was around 3... my friends would go, "Still breastfeeding???" Some church friends do want me to cover up for my sake...

Breastfeeding is the BEST and most economical thing you can give your child, the best comfort when he is scared...when he can't eat anything, but drink your breast milk. It's the BEST BOND EVER!

Yes, I have faced a couple of challenges while breastfeeding my baby. Initially, he didn't latch properly, so my nipples were all sore and bloody. Every time he latched I cried. I asked God, why did you let us have breast milk but make the journey so difficult?
In his first 2 to 3 weeks, I had to go into the polyclinic as he was not putting on weight. Every time I went, the doctor indicated that I was abusing my child as I was not 'feeding' him. It was so emotional and traumatizing for me. I had to weigh him every day. I even resorted to formula milk as directed by my doctor.

It was a terrible time and beyond words. I still feel sad thinking about it... and also know what new mums have to go through...

I tried pumping, it was worse... the output was so low that I ended up feeling like a bad and lousy mum...

I would not encourage mummies to pump in the beginning unless they really need to.

The most important thing to note is that you will always have enough milk. When you pump and look at the output, it's even more stressful and will affect the supply.

So I would suggest direct latching in the first 2 months, eating well, and resting well as the best solution.

I overcame a dip in breast milk supply by having salmon, coconut oil, raspberry tea leaf... and by cutting down on foods that caused a dip in my supply.

I don't believe in changing the attitude of people or even increasing the number of nursing rooms.

Ideally, what is needed is to change the breastfeeding mum's mindset. Then you can nurse anywhere. When you are confident to nurse, then other people's looks and opinions really don't matter. If you believe you are doing right and giving your child the best, then you will be confident enough to do anything.

I guess we just have to step out of the box and just know that, regardless of race or nationality, we are all mothers and our baby needs to be fed.
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