How to overcome impotence for healthy sexual fulfillment

How to overcome impotence for healthy sexual fulfillment

Impotence is the inability to achieve or keep an erection sufficient for intercourse.

Research today shows that impotence is increasing at an alarming rate. Some years ago it seemed that this problem affected mostly men in their forties and upwards. Today, however, it is being noted that it involves much younger men. Some reasons for this are.

>>> Obesity, Fatigue, Depression, Drugs, Alcohol, Stress, Anger, Bitterness, Resentment, and seeing sex as a sin.

Although anyone or all of the above factors can be detrimental there is a primary reason for this barrier. It is that the husband is so preoccupied with his ability or inability to achieve or maintain an erection. He is simply pressured with the fear of failure.

There is a three-way approach to this problem. They include;

  1. Talk

  2. Touch

  3. Tease

The first step in this approach is the most important. It involves husbands and wives openly and honestly discussing the problem and deciding how to attempt a solution together. Also involved in this step will be the husband's acceptance of the problem and his determination to help remedy it. Too many husbands become discouraged, feeling that their manhood is lost and thus their ego is threatened. This is no time for the husband to become depressed and overcome with self-pity. Instead, the husband should seek to find a way, with his wife's help, to function effectively again.

It is at this point that a loving, understanding wife will be a great asset. She can help her husband verbalize his fears, accept the problem, and encourage him by working alongside to help restore physical communication which may have been lost as both became frustrated with failures. This would have then led them to retreat into their separate worlds. It is now that the couple must again begin to enjoy fondling, caressing, cuddling, and being close to each other without any other demands.

Finally, step three should produce a stimulating experience. It is through this teasing method that husband and wife should involve themselves in love play and tender caressing without any demand for intercourse. In this warm, relaxed atmosphere of intimacy, the husband will begin to regain confidence and the wife will be strong support. Never allow the love-making during these times to be rushed. Take time to enjoy each other's love to the fullest.

During this time it is of absolute importance that the wife be careful not to make the husband feel inferior or pressured. Instead, she must be responsive, seductive and determined to help her husband regain his confidence. Together they can make their sex life even more enjoyable than before the problem arose.

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