How Much Vitamin C Do You Get from a Carnivore Diet

Vitamin C

The modern diet has been built on a seemingly unending supply of vital food products. It has sadly led us to gain and carry around unwanted weight. Diets are the go-to remedy for this situation. The vitamin C carnivore diet is one such diet that intends to take us back to our carnivorous roots for a healthier tomorrow.

Carnivore, with a Capital 'C'

The carnivore diet relies on keeping one healthy via the intake of only meat-based food products. It leaves out all plant-based items. This is to reduce carbs. The lack of those plant foods means a loss of a major source of vitamin C, which the vitamin C carnivore diet aims to compensate for by other means.

What Is Vitamin C and How's It Useful?

To understand the reason behind its importance, it is good to know what vitamin C is. Vitamins are one category of nutrients that the body needs to function correctly. Different types of vitamins serve other purposes.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is one such essential nutrient that functions as an antioxidant. It helps with immune deficiency, cardiovascular diseases, skin wrinkling, eye problems, and prenatal health problems.

It is also needed for the production of collagen and carnitine via its participation in the enzymes that produce these. It combines with vitamin E to stop the damage of lipid or fat cells.

What Happens With A Lack Of It?

The lack of vitamin C for extended periods has some seriously detrimental effects. After 8-12 weeks, minor symptoms like appetite loss, fatigue, and mental health issues start to crop up.

Longer periods of deficiency can start giving rise to anemia, bleeding skin, bone pain, swelling/inflammation, hair loss, gum disease, lack of healing of wounds, etc. Collagen production will also depreciate and fail. The final big problem that is experienced is Scurvy.

Carnivore Diet and Vitamin C

Vitamin C is predominantly found in plant-based foods. Oranges and other citrus fruits are known for their high concentrations of it. The lack of such foods deprives the carnivore dieter of such valuable sources of this vitamin.

Meats are not completely deprived of Vitamin C, though. Cow, Pork, and Chicken liver have shown the presence of vitamin C in them too. These, along with spleens, can add to the amount of necessary Vitamin C in your diet.

What Quantity Is Needed?

According to inflammation theory, the reduction in inflammation due to the carnivore diet means a reduced need for an anti-inflammatory like Vitamin C. Glucose and Vitamin C are similar and tend to compete for absorption. Lack of sugars and carbs in carnivore diets means less glucose, so less Vitamin C is needed to compete for absorption.

Vitamin C intake recommendation is 10 mg/day on a standard American diet high in Sugars and Carbs. Meat has around that much in a pound.

A vitamin C carnivore diet can be a good option to eliminate the chances of Vitamin C deficiency and stay healthy; you'll gain all the benefits it has to offer without the need for plant-based foods.
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