7 Signs In Pregnancy You Should Never Ignore

Pregnant woman in pain
At any stage of your pregnancy, you will do well to watch out for any of these dangerous signs. If you have observed any of these symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.


While vaginal bleeding in pregnancy might be considered normal for most women as signs of implantation in early pregnancy, it could also be a sign of a serious complication in the early or later stage of pregnancy demanding the immediate attention of a gynecologist. In some cases, it could be an ectopic pregnancy which means the fetus is in the tube.


  • Avoid strenuous activities when pregnant.


– Do not panic, it could get worse if your blood pressure rises.
– Get enough sleep and bed rest
– Consult your doctor immediately
– Your doctor may prescribe progesterone hormones


About four out of five women get some swelling or puffiness in pregnancy, and in most cases, it is not a cause for concern. However, if these symptoms are severe or sudden, and accompanied by a high blood pressure otherwise known as hypertension, protein in the urine as seen in a test result, headaches, sudden weight gain or problems with your vision, it’s likely to be pre-eclampsia.


  • Avoid being dehydrated.
  • Take your vitamins, especially vitamin D seriously since it has been associated with vitamin D deficiency.


  • Attend your prenatal checkups regularly for close monitoring by your doctor.
  • Reduce your salt intake and drink plenty of water
  • Bed Rest. Lie down, raising up your feet above your heart level.
  • Exercise regularly
  • If you passed your thirty-eighth week, your doctor may recommend a c-section.


If you are experiencing a severe cramp in the early months of your pregnancy alongside with vaginal bleeding and fever, you may be showing signs of a miscarriage.


  • Avoid lifting up heavy objects


  • Consult your doctor for an immediate diagnostic workup and treatment.


Absence of, or reduced baby’s movements for more than 24 hours after 21 weeks may be a sign that your baby is in distress. If you are worried that your baby’s movement is less than usual, contact your midwife or doctor. They will help you alleviate your fears.


– Elevate your feet and relax
– Lie down on your side
– Have a cold drink
– Make some noise or play loud music
– After 24 hours of slow or no movement, consult your doctor.
– Take a scan as recommended by your doctor


If your temperature is above 37.5°C, but without symptoms of flu or cold, contact your doctor on the same day. If it is more than 39°C, call your doctor straight away. You probably have an infection. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics and rest. It could be harmful to your bab if your temperature rises higher than 39⁰for a prolonged amount of time.


– Do not cover yourself up with a duvet
– Drink plenty of fluids to control the temperature while you are on your way to see your doctor


Contractions that open the cervix before 37 weeks of pregnancy is known as pre-term labor. Women who have had a history of miscarriage or abortion are known to suffer from pre-term labor, or pregnancies with twins and other multiples, traumatic life events, uterine and cervical abnormalities, and domestic violence amongst others.


  • Avoid the use of unprescribed drugs, smoking, and drinking of alcohol
  • Control your anxiety and stress level, a high level of stress could lead to pre-term labor.
  • Manage chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • Avoid long working hours with long periods of standing.


  • Drink plenty of water or juice may suppress your contractions.
  • Bed rest
  • Lie down on your left side to improve circulation to your uterus
  • Avoid lying flat on your back as this may cause the contractions to increase.
  • Call your doctor who may recommend oral medication or injections to temporarily stop labor.


Abdominal trauma in pregnancy caused by domestic or vehicle accidents, physical assault or violence, or falls may lead to loss of a pregnancy or maternal mortality.


  • When driving, ensure that your seat belt is fastened correctly, with the shoulder belt in between your breasts and the lap belt placed under the uterus.
  • If you have been a victim of domestic violence before pregnancy, it’s likely to occur during pregnancy, so do not hesitate to get help.


  • Call your doctor immediately who may recommend an ultrasound scan.
  • While waiting for the doctor, place the woman to lie on her left side as this will allow blood to flow to the fetus.
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