Guide to cleaning the kitchen or the cooking area

Woman cleaning kitchen or the cooking area

This is the area in the house used to prepare and cook meals. If the kitchen is not cleaned properly, it can be a health hazard to the family; it may become a breeding place for disease-causing germs, pests, and insects.

Kitchen daily cleaning tips

➤Collect the equipment and materials required.
➤Wash all dirty utensils, dry them well and store appropriately.
➤Clean the cooker and the cooking area as follows:
  • Use a clean cloth wrung out of warm soapy water to wipe any split food. Rinse, wipe and leave to dry.
  • Empty ash from charcoal stoves
  • Sweep the fireplace
➤Clean the food storage equipment as follows:
  • Wipe any smudges on the fridge.
  • Dry-dust the food storage cupboard.
➤Clean all the working surfaces by wiping with a clean cloth wrung out of warm soapy water. Rinse thoroughly and dry.
➤Clean the kitchen sink and the surrounding area with warm soapy water. Rinse completely.
➤Wipe and shine the taps.
➤Clean the floor as follows:
  • Sweep to remove food scraps.
  • Wipe with a floor cloth or mop wrung out of warm soapy water.
  • Rinse with clean water.
  • Dry using a clean dry cloth.
➤Empty, clean and dry the dustbin and line it in readiness for use.

Weekly cleaning tips

➤Assemble all the equipment and materials required for cleaning.
➤Clean all the utensils.
➤Clean the cooker. For electric or gas cookers, clean the top, oven, grill and the outer side of the cooker. Scrub all movable parts to remove any strains. Dry and assemble the cooker.
➤Clean the food storage equipment such as the refrigerator or the food storage cupboard.
➤Clean the windows and walls methodically. Apply either the weekly or special cleaning procedure.
➤Clean the working surface thoroughly. Consider the material they are made of and clean accordingly.
➤Clean the sink using hot soapy water and a scouring pad. Scrub to remove stains and dirt. Pour hot water directly into the sink. This will dissolve any grease present and kill germs. Rinse with cold water to fill the trap so as to keep off bad odors. Dry using a clean cloth and finally shine the taps.
➤Where kitchen sinks have open drains outside, use hot soapy water and a scrubbing brush or deck. Scrub thoroughly to remove dirt and stains. Rinse thoroughly using hot water. Add a disinfectant to the final rinse.
➤Empty the kitchen dustbin. Clean it in hot soapy water or cold water to which a little washing soda has been added. Scrub using a soft pad or an abrasive depending on its type. Rinse with hot water, and then in cold water to which a disinfectant has been added. Leave to dry thoroughly in the sun. Line it ready for use.

Special cleaning

➤Clean all the utensils.
➤Clean the whole cooker.
➤For electric and gas cookers clean the top, oven, grill and outside the cooker. Scrub all movable parts to remove any stains. Dry and assemble the cooker.
➤For oil stoves, empty the tank then dismantle the stove and remove the wicks. Trim the wicks and wash them in warm soapy water. Rinse in warm and then in cold. Dry on a cloth line. Clean the stove in warm soapy water. Rinse in warm then in cold water. Leave to dry. Buff and reassemble the parts. Replace the wicks and fill the tank up to two-thirds full with fuel.
➤For charcoal burners, empty the ashes, dust clean, oil the hinges and store in a dry place to prevent from rusting.
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