Regular Exercise Reduces Asthma Symptoms.

30-Minute Hip-Hop

Just thirty minutes of exercise a day can help relieve the symptoms of asthma in adults.

In a recent study, researchers analyzed physical activity levels among 643 participants previously diagnosed with the chronic respiratory condition. Those who exercised for thirty minutes on a regular basis were almost 2.5 times more likely to have good control of their asthma symptoms than asthma sufferers who didn’t perform the routine exercise.

Lead author Dr. Simon Bacon adds, "Just 30 minutes a day of walking, riding a bike, doing yoga - anything active, really - can result in a significant reduction of asthma symptoms… It would be great to see physicians recommending physical activity to patients with asthma, alongside traditional pharmacological treatments."

Things to remember for exercising with asthma.

Create a customized asthma action plan with your doctor

This should be based on your symptoms and capacity. If your asthma is under control when you’re not active, it should be safe for you to partake in physical activity.

Your doctor may advise that you use a beta-agonist inhaler a quarter of an hour before your workout.

Evaluate your current fitness level

This includes your workout routine. If you exercise rarely or moderately, don’t dive headfirst into a more extreme regime.

Slowly progress and intensify your workouts. Keep track of what triggers your breathing to feel more strenuous and what feels good. 

Know your asthma triggers

If you have trouble with pollen avoid exercising during days with a high pollen count. Opt for an indoor workout in the summer and winter if the extreme cold or heat bother your breathing.

If you live in a city, be sure to check the pollution levels before you head outside for any physical activity. Always adjust to what is best for you and your body.

Always keep an emergency inhaler handy

This is especially important when exercising. A fanny pack may be dorky or uncomfortable while running but it sure beats facing an asthma attack alone and without access to life-saving steroids.

Find a workout buddy

Exercising with a friend can relieve some of the anxiety that comes with the fear of a potential attack.

Ask your workout buddy to become familiar with your asthma action plan and the assistance you might need should you have an asthma attack.

Make Your Condition Known

If you’re on a sports team, working out at a gym, or exercise with a trainer make sure your coach, trainer, or gym manager knows that you have asthma.

They’re likely trained on how to recognize an attack and how to handle an emergency.

Wear a Medical ID Bracelet

If you’re exercising alone consider wearing a medical ID bracelet. At the very least program your phone with your medical conditions.

Never skip a warmup or cool down.

Stretch your muscles, do 30-second sprints, and most importantly, breathe deeply. Make sure your breathing feels normal before and after your workouts.


Breathing exercises are important for a safe and efficient workout. Inhale deeply through your nose and out through your mouth.

As you’re exercising with asthma, try to keep breaths as even as possible to keep the lungs calm and functioning normally.

Pay Attention to Your Symptoms

If your breathing feels unusual when exercising with asthma, you should stop. You may experience shortness of breath, chest tightness, wheezing, or coughing.

Get ahold of your breathing or use a rescue inhaler to assist you. Never push through these symptoms. Breathe deep and steady to calm down your mind and body as you regain a regular airflow.

Ultimately having asthma shouldn’t prevent you from living a fit and healthy lifestyle if you want to.

And, in some cases, exercising with asthma can actually help symptoms. Always consult with your doctor before changing your exercise regimen or asthma action plan.
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