It’s that time of the semester where times are relatively thick. Financial constraints are on the top of everyone’s problem list. Wallets and purses have become mere case holders for our ATM cards and IDs. Well, it is not all doom and gloom. Here are a few tips on how to survive the hard times.

Debt Reclamation

Well, there are those stubborn individuals who never seem to pay back what they borrowed. They sort of have the impression that they need your money more than you do. They will always postpone payments and will never lack a good excuse for doing so. The time to recall all the debts that people owe you to the last cent is now. Like a cockroach that refuses to die, persist till you get your money back. You cannot be broke when your assets are lying in another’s pocket, can you???

Frequent guests

With the drying up of your financial assets comes a time to exploit your social skills. Now is the time to maximize and evaluate the importance you hold in your friends’ lives. With an empty pocket, one has to cut down expenses as much as possible, with food being the major expense incurred by a university-going student. One can eliminate this expense by being a good guest, visit your numerous friends, and the time those visits conveniently around mealtimes. Of course one ought to be clever about using this tactic, visit the intended food provider approximately 30minutes before lunch or supper. Create a Rota that will ensure that you don’t visit the same friend twice in a single week. With this, at least you’d have completely eliminated the nutritional expense.

The Food Hoarder

This is a converse of the previous tactic. There would be those that would want to use tactic no. 2 on you, yet you may have just enough for yourself. To avoid being branded selfish, time your meals at odd hours. Take lunch at 11, breakfast at 6, and supper at midnight or at 5 am, whichever is convenient for you. Avoid interactions that may lead to an involuntary invitation on your part. Busy yourself so that people will neither keep up with you nor cause unnecessary expenditure on your part. This always works.

Activate your Geek mode

Most students discover the library’s existence only when exams approach. Now is the time to arouse the geek in you. Make the library your new home. You will be surprised at how much time flies by so quickly when you are engrossed in a book. And the best bit is the fact that you get to save so much. There will be no expenditure on unnecessary items and cravings, plus the fact that you get to improve your academics.

Working on a Budget

This is probably the time to put all the economics you have ever learned into practice. Cut down on all the things that you can do without. If it does not add value to your life, then eliminate it; the frequent drinking sprees have to go. After all, the hangovers are not really worth it. Ditch fast food and soft drinks for veggies and fruits. Look for affordable alternatives and good bargains. You will be shocked at how enlightened you will feel after all this. A mastery of this art will turn you into a brilliant shopper who is accountable for their expenditure, which translates to more savings on your part

As they say, kuteseka ni kwa muda. Nothing lasts forever, even the hard times. You just need to keep your head above the water till financial salvation comes your way
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