How My Body Has Changed After Taking Green Tea Every Day for the Last One Month

Woman drinking green tea

Most Health and beauty enthusiasts will give credit to green tea when sharing tips on best practices for health and great skin. I always read and heard about the wonders of green tea though I never took it seriously until I personally started taking the tea.

What is Green Tea?

Green tea is made from the Camellia sinensis plant. The dried leaves and leaf buds of Camellia sinensis are used to produce various types of teas. Green tea is prepared by steaming and pan-frying these leaves and then drying them. Other teas such as black tea and oolong tea involve processes in which the leaves are fermented (black tea) or partially fermented (oolong tea).

Green tea is taken by mouth to improve mental alertness and thinking.

It is also taken by mouth for depression, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease), weight loss and to treat stomach disorders, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, and bone loss (osteoporosis).

Some people take green tea by mouth to prevent various cancers, including breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, gastric cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, solid tumor cancers, leukemia, and skin cancer related to exposure to sunlight. Some women use green tea to fight the human papillomavirus (HPV), which can cause genital warts, the growth of abnormal cells in the cervix (cervical dysplasia), and cervical cancer.

Green tea is also taken by mouth for Parkinson's disease, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes, low blood pressure, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), dental cavities (caries), kidney stones, and skin damage.

Instead of drinking green tea, some people apply green tea bags to their skin to soothe sunburn and prevent skin cancer due to sun exposure. Green tea bags are also used to decrease puffiness under the eyes, as a compress for tired eyes or headache, and to stop gums from bleeding after a tooth is pulled. A green tea footbath is used for athlete's foot.

Some people gargle with green tea to prevent colds and flu. Green tea extract is also used in mouthwash to reduce pain after tooth removal. Green tea in candy is used for gum disease.

Green tea is used in an ointment for genital warts.

In food, people drink green tea as a beverage

This is how my body has changed since I started taking green tea

Green tea has amazing benefits that those who do not take it are greatly missing out on. Since I started taking green tea, the changes in my body and skin are noticeable. People around me actually notice and comment on the changes.

My waistline has become trimmer

Who doesn’t want a flat tummy? Let’s be honest here. Everyone wants to have a flat tummy. Researchers say that regular intake of green tea boosts the breakdown of fat and thus reduces body fat. It also speeds up the metabolism which is a great way of burning fat in the body. Most of the fat is usually concentrated on the midsection. I have noticed my tummy getting flatter each week as I continue to take at least two cups of green tea a day.

My overall health has improved

Some may say it’s psychological but I know for a fact that I feel healthier. Green tea contains vitamin C which is an essential vitamin in the body for overall health and a good immune system. Ever since I started taking green tea regularly, I haven’t had a gloomy day. Who doesn’t want their immune system to be superb? Green tea is also said to contain antioxidants and antifungal as well as antibacterial properties. A drink that contains all these benefits to the body will definitely keep you healthy. Start taking green tea regularly and you will thank me later.

Green tea is said to have properties that combat cancer, diabetes, blood pressure, allergies, and depression among other illnesses.

My skin has become clearer

This is very noticeable. I have struggled with acne before. Since I started taking green tea, I have seen a noticeable change. My acne has cleared and my skin tone is becoming even. I actually have a certain glow that I haven’t had for a while.

Green tea aids in the elimination of toxins from the body. Most of the time, toxins inside our bodies cause us to have breakouts. When the toxins are flushed out, the breakouts start to clear and thus we get to enjoy healthy skin.

Green tea slows down aging and prevents wrinkle formation. It is a super drink for those who are looking to have amazing skin without struggling so much.

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