Best Foods To Eat After C-Section

Best Foods For Mothers After Cesarean Section

Delivery through the cesarean section requires major surgery and just as it is with any other major surgery, your body will need extra care for you to heal completely. Don’t worry about getting a cesarean section because you’re not alone, cesarean sections now account for up to four out of every ten new births.

What you need to do is expect to have a longer stay in the hospital – up to three or four days longer after your delivery (it may be longer if there are complications), and up to six weeks to heal.

Why is it crucial for you to take note of what to eat after c section? During this time, sufficient rest and a good diet are vital to the recovery of the mother and well-being of the baby. Your confinement food menu should consist of foods that are rich in nutrients and promote easy bowel movements. In the meantime, you should take note of the types of food to avoid after c section too.

Here’s a look at the best foods for a mother after a cesarean section.

For Starters, Ensure that You Take Plenty of Water

Water does not have a direct impact on the healing of the wound but it significantly boosts the production of breast milk and more importantly, it has plenty of health benefits for the mother, such as preventing constipation and excess pressure on the abdomen.

New mothers who have undergone a cesarean section are encouraged to make water an integral part of their confinement meals.

Consume Easy to Digest Foods

New mothers are often at a higher risk of accumulating excess gas after delivery. So, you have to be extra careful and watch your diet. Foods to avoid after c section include meals comprising ingredients that are hard to digest or can cause excess gas and constipation.

Some examples of the food to avoid after cesarean section delivery include carbonated drinks and fried foods that produce gas. Meanwhile, fiber-rich foods and nutritious warm soups that are easy to digest are the type of food to eat after c section. Adding this in your confinement meal will improve digestion, heal wounds quickly, and boost breast milk production.

Another great addition to your diet is green pepper, it is a popular ingredient in Malay confinement meals as it is naturally loaded with anti-bacterial compounds that not only help to cleanse the digestive tract but is also an excellent antioxidant that encourages regular and natural bowel movements.

Add Protein-rich and Vitamin-rich foods into your diet

Proteins are essential in aiding the growth of new tissues. But it’s also necessary for mothers to consume foods rich in protein to aid in the tissue repair on her wound and to increase breast milk production for the growth of the baby.

On the other hand, vitamins contain vital antioxidants that help speed up the repair process and the production of collagen, a compound which is necessary when scar tissue forms.

So what should we eat after c-section delivery to boost the protein in our body? Be sure to include foods rich in protein such as chicken and plenty of fruits such as papaya and kiwi fruits in your confinement meal menu.

Planning for what to eat after cesarean delivery is not that hard as long as you take some time to sit down and do the needed research. In fact, these are just some of the best foods which will aid in the recovery of a mother after a C-section delivery and the well-being of the infant.

Of course, it is not only crucial that you take note of what kind of foods to eat after cesarean delivery but also foods to avoid after cs as they are equally important. Generally, the foods to avoid after cesarean delivery are similar to the kinds of foods and drinks you would be advised against after giving birth, despite the delivery method.
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