It might also help people who are already losing weight more effectively.
My relationship with weight-loss was on and off. I kept rewarding myself more and more after every workout thinking I'll lose it all anyway. I also kept punishing myself by starving sometimes. I even barfed a lot because I was so disgusted with myself whenever I binged. It was a terrible cycle. All in all, it was very unhealthy. Depression didn't help especially.
I could be eating healthy, I could be working out every day, but what really helped me to lose weight was because I stopped hating myself. I felt I had to rush to be skinny, to lose weight, and be fit. I tried looking for shortcuts, and I made a lot of excuses but in the end, I found out what really worked for me. That was to love me, to not give myself a hard time, and to continuously tell myself that.
So for those of you having a hard time, try to take it easy on yourself. Don't hate or punish yourself. You're a work in progress. Learn to appreciate yourself in other aspects of yourself. Don't hate or belittle yourself just because you might be a bit bigger than some, I'm sure you have many other great things about yourself. So put yourself in the spotlight sometimes. Maybe not in the physical realm but definitely in your head. Always. (But try to be modest sometimes)
The journey to weight-loss is a long one but it's an even longer road when you're hating yourself. It's okay to trip as long as you trip forward. Don't make light of your accomplishments and to accept that you're on the right track even if it might be slow. I had to stop comparing myself to everyone and focus on myself more. When I did, time felt more of a flow and less constrained. I stopped paying attention so much to my weight/looks but when I did, I noticed the weight loss more and more as time gone by. It's also okay to make mistakes, so don't punish yourself. You're only human. As long as you acknowledge it, you can improve and make fewer mistakes.
I hope my experience a bit helps because I've been trying to lose it for years and only then did I really start to finally have weight loss. People always talk about what food to eat, what workouts, tricks, and such but very few people talk about what kind of mindset you should try to have before doing it. It may not work for some, but I hope it helps the few that really need it at least.