Tongue Exercise For Alzheimer's

After the age of 50, one may experience many types of illnesses.

But the one I am most worried about is Alzheimer’s.

Not only would I not be able to look after myself, but it would cause a lot of inconvenience to family members.

One day, my son came home and told me that a doctor friend has taught him an exercise using the tongue.

Woman with the longest tongue

The Tongue Exercise is effective in reducing the onset of Alzheimer's & also used to reduce or improve body weight, hypertension, a blood clot in the brain, asthma, far-sightedness,  ear buzzing, throat infection, and insomnia.

Each morning when you wash your face in front of a mirror, begin with the exercise of shrinking & thus achieve a healthier body. Begin with exercise as STICK OUT YOUR TONGUE & MOVE IT TO THE RIGHT THEN TO THE LEFT FOR 10 TIMES. THEN DO IT FROM LEFT TO RIGHT 10 TIMES. Do it daily. Within a year there will be improvements in your Brain Retention. Your mind will be fresh & Also you will see improvements in farsightedness, giddiness, improve wellness, digestion & absorption, and flu/cold. You will be stronger & agiler. 

Tongue exercise helps to control & prevent Alzheimer's... It has its foundation/base from Medical research which found that the Tongue has a connection with the Big Brain. When our body becomes old & weak, the first sign to appear is our tongue becomes stiff & often we tend to bite ourselves.
Frequently exercising your tongue will stimulate the brain thus helping to reduce our thoughts.


Brain diet means cuts down on all the things that are unhealthy for the heart. " What is good for the Heart is Good for the Brain."  Include foods high in antioxidants, berries, broccoli, prunes & fish oils for omega-3 fats.

Calories watching is also important as being overweight often goes hand in hand with Diabetes & High Blood Pressure which increases the risk of developing all types of Dementia.

When to see a doctor

A number of conditions, including treatable conditions, can result in memory loss or other dementia symptoms. If you are concerned about your memory or other thinking skills, talk to your doctor for a thorough assessment and diagnosis.

If you are concerned about thinking skills you observe in a family member or friend, talk about your concerns and ask about going together to a doctor's appointment.

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