Women: You should urinate AFTER, not BEFORE sex. See WHY!

Woman urinating

If your woman's vagina is dry when you both are geared for sex and there is no lubricant around then your saliva can be the perfect solution, not the Vaseline most people turn to. Here is how to use it...

One of the habits many women are fond of is urinating before they have sex.

To them, it is a way of cleaning up the vagina (bladder) before the sex, probably also to prevent themselves from urinating in error due to the intense pleasure of sex.

The truth, however, is that they are putting themselves at more risk by urinating BEFORE having sex.


Well, scientists say the best time for a woman to urinate is actually after sex, immediately after if possible.

As was explained by a New York City urologist, David Kaufman, MD, urinating after sex, not before, helps remove bacteria from the urinary tract, thereby saving the woman from infections.

“Bacteria have tiny pilli that act as Velcro hooks, which allow them to attach themselves to the urethral lining,”

If these bacteria are left there, they move into the bladder where they quickly reproduce and grows, leading to a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) with serious consequences.

What this means is that it is better to leave the urine in your bladder so that you’ll have enough to push out the stubborn bacteria after you are done with sex.

This simple thing – urinating AFTER, not BEFORE sex – can save you!!!

Here's a list of the top 5 reasons why peeing after sex is important. Take a look.

1. Sex can introduce bacteria into your body

When you engage in intercourse, bacteria can enter your body through the penis, fingers or mouth. Now, these bacteria may not necessarily be external bacteria, it can also be fecal matter. The female urethra is shorter due to which the bacteria can easily travel up to the bladder. Ensure that you change the condom when shifting from vaginal to anal sex.

2. Risk of UTIs

Urinary Tract Infections can be painful, very painful. And this condition is more common in sexually active women. So if you are confused as to why it occurs every time you have sex, know that it is because you are not peeing after sex.

3. Urine eliminates the bacteria

Urinating dislodges bacteria before it becomes a full-fledged infection. It helps in keeping your urinary tract clean and free from all sorts of bacteria.

4. It is kind of mandatory for women

The need to pee after sex happens itself. Women don't need to force it. This is due to the stimulation of the G-spot. Don't feel lazy at that time, go and relieve yourself. And if you do not feel the need to pee after sex, it is probably because you are hydrating yourself well.

5. Not peeing after 30 minutes of sex risk you with infections

You don't need to jump out of bed as soon as you are done. You can wait for some time, but not more than 30 minutes. At the end of the day, you are better off safe than sorry!

How Long Can You Wait Before Peeing After Sex? 

Can you wait until you actually have the urge to pee again? Or should you make your way to the bathroom and try to empty what little urine may be lingering in your bladder? The simple answer is, you should try to pee immediately after sex.

Here’s why it can be hard to pee after sex

I prioritize my urinary health over cuddling too long after sex — but sometimes, when I head to the bathroom and sit down to pee, nothing comes out. 

If your urinary tract gets cold feet, don’t worry: it’s just your post-climax hormones at play.

After sex, the body releases vasopressin and oxytocin. Both of these hormones play an important role in pair-bonding. But vasopressin is an antidiuretic, which can make it hard to urinate after sex, says Dr. Christina E. Lewicky Gaupp, an urogynecology and pelvic reconstructive surgeon at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago. Too much of this hormone can cause the kidneys to retain water, so a sudden release post-orgasm can limit the amount of water passed in the urine.

Will peeing after sex kill the sperm?

It’s not true. Peeing after sex, though helpful for preventing urinary tract infections, won’t keep you from getting pregnant. The best way to prevent pregnancy after an act of unprotected sex is by taking emergency contraception — also known as the morning-after pill.

Do You Need To Pee After Masturbating?

What you’re really asking is: “Can bacteria still get spread around during solo sex?”

The answer: Yes!

“Bacteria from your own genitals, thighs, and fingers or the toy you’re using can still be introduced near the urethra during masturbation,” says Dr. Landgon.

Might there be less bacteria than partnered sex? Maybe. But that’s not really the point, babes!

As she says, “The risk from a UTI developing from that bacteria getting into the urethra still stands.” That means your popping a squat should be part of your solo-play.

Interestingly, Dr. Langdon says peeing is extra important if your solo-sesh included anal penetration or you didn’t wash your hands (or scrub beneath your fingernails) pre-play.

She explains: “The bacteria from the anus can pretty easily transfer to the vulva and urethra. And it should be obvious why washing your hands before touching yourself is important.” Honestly, fair.

Your buzzy bae can also introduce bacteria to your bits—especially if the toy is made of a porous material like Polyvinylchloride (PVC), thermoplastic rubber (TPR), thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), jelly rubber, and latex, all of which can’t be cleaned fully.

That’s why Dr. Langdon recommends, “invest in and use a non-porous toy made out of glass, stainless steel or silicone because they can be cleaned easily and fully.”

She adds that toys should be cleaned (and dried) immediately after and before use. That’s because even if you got your toy immaculately clean, it might have come into contact with lint, dirt, or fur before you used it again. Trust, that’s not the kind of pussy hair you want in and around your toy.

The Bottom Line

Peeing after masturbating and sex is a good idea. Sure, getting up to go to the bathroom might be annoying, but this extra step is wayyy less unpleasant than a UTI.

If you prioritize peeing over post-coital cuddles or post-jerk Insta scrolls but still get (or think you have) a UTI, call up your healthcare provider ASAP. The stingy, uncomfortable infection is easily treated with antibiotics.

If left untreated, urinary tract infections can spread to the bladder or kidneys and cause permanent damage, says Dr. Langdon.

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