You Really Need a Birth Ball When Pregnant. See Why! (Infographic)

You Really Need a Birth Ball When Pregnant.

If you are preparing to have the most comfortable and efficient birth possible, adding a Birth Ball to your daily routine can greatly benefit you.

Sitting upright and moving on the Birth Ball enhances the descent of the baby through the pelvic bones, taking advantage of gravity. It also helps keep the baby well aligned in the pelvis and facilitates rotation.

Pro tip! Consider taking your Birth Ball to work to sit on rather than your stiff office much better! (You may even find you never want to switch back!)

When your precious one's BIRTHday arrives, your labor may be faster and more comfortable, and your baby may be in a more optimal position, just because you have been sitting, bouncing, swaying, circling, and building rhythms (salsa, anyone?) on your Birth Ball.

The Birth Ball can give great comfort and support by relieving strain on the hands and arms when leaning on it in the hands and knees position. Various positions on the Birth Ball may also speed up labor through the use of gravity. And sitting on a smaller, slightly deflated Birth Ball can be used as a support while squatting, which helps widen the pelvic outlet to its maximum. The Birth Ball also enhances the relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles by conforming to your body and sitting on warm compresses while on the Birth Ball will further enhance this relaxation.

You may be wondering, "How do I use it?". We created this Infographic just for you!

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