Your Pregnancy Skin Care Guide

Your Pregnancy Skin Care Guide

Oh, baby! If you have a bundle of joy on the way, chances are that you’re so wrapped up in baby names, baby shower details, and nursery décor ideas that your skincare routine is the last thing on your mind. That’s totally understandable, but pregnancy can change your skin, which is why it’s important to tweak your routine and update the skincare products you’re using. Not sure where to start when it comes to skincare during pregnancy? Don’t fret! Below, we’re sharing three skincare tips to keep in mind—consider this your pregnancy skincare guide!


You’ve likely heard of “pregnancy glow,” but what’s the deal? According to the Mayo Clinic, a combination of factors can create a pregnancy glow: Greater blood volume brings more blood to vessels, allowing your skin to appear flushed, while changes in hormone levels can cause the skin glands on your face to secrete more oil, resulting in a slightly shinier appearance. Basically, there’s no need to use a glow-boosting makeup primer during these nine months! So, what’s the catch? The Mayo Clinic states that the same fluctuating hormone levels that contribute to the oh-so-great pregnancy glow might make you more prone to acne. Yikes! Which brings us to our next tip...


If you thought you left your acne days back in your teenage years, think again. Fortunately, there are a few easy tips you can implement to help manage pregnancy acne.

Pregnancy Acne Tip #1: Use a gentle cleanser

We recommend discussing with your doctor which gentle cleansers are the best to use when pregnant. As for what not to use, the Mayo Clinic says to avoid certain skincare products such as facial scrubs, astringents, and masks because they tend to irritate the skin, which can worsen acne.

Pregnancy Acne Tip #2: Don’t over-wash

While cleansing is an important part of managing pregnancy acne, the Mayo Clinic shares that excessive washing and scrubbing can irritate your skin, so stick to cleansing twice a day.

Pregnancy Acne Tip #3: Steer clear of irritants

Some skincare ingredients and formulas could irritate your skin and result in acne during pregnancy. The Mayo Clinic suggests avoiding oily or greasy cosmetics, hairstyling products, and acne concealers and reaching for products labeled as water-based or non-comedogenic instead.

Pregnancy Acne Tip #4: Be aware of what touches your skin

Outside factors can promote acne, so watch what touches your skin! The Mayo Clinic recommends keeping your hair clean and off your face, avoiding resting your hands or objects on your face, and being mindful of tight clothing or hats, especially if you're sweating.


Sun protection should always be part of your daily skincare routine (yes, even in the winter) regardless of pregnancy. However, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, combined with sun exposure, could result in a skin condition known as melasma. Now, what exactly is melasma? The Cleveland Clinic states that melasma is a skin condition that causes brown or tan patches, most often on the face, neck, or upper lip. The AAD shares that one way to address isolated incidents of melasma is sun protection—which means wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day and reapplying every two hours in addition to taking other sun protection measures, which include wearing a wide-brimmed hat when you’re outside for additional protection.

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