Causes of frequent urination in women and treatments

Peeing in the woods

Ladies, do you feel like you have to pee all the time? Constant feeling of having to pee is associated with several medical conditions.

Some of the Causes of Frequent Urination in Women Include;

Urinary tract infections

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is defined as an infection of the urinary system organs including ureters, bladder, kidneys, and urethra. Females are usually at higher risk of developing urinary tract infections than men. One of the strongest symptoms of UTI in women is a strong, persistent urge to urinate.


Many individuals experience the leaks of urine at some point in their lives. The condition is called urinary incontinence also described as the loss of bladder control or involuntary leakage of urine. This disorder is quite common and causes embarrassment very often. Possible causes of the condition: pregnancy, changes with age, neurological disorders, bacterial infections in women (can irritate the bladder, that triggers strong urges to urinate, and sometimes incontinence). Sometimes, hard and compacted stool present in the rectum causes the bladder nerves to be a hyperactive and constant feeling of having to pee.


Many women experience bladder problems after entering menopause. When women hit menopause, the ligaments and the muscles supporting the pelvic floor become weak. Due to the fall in estrogen levels, these ligaments and tissues lose their elasticity and strength. Even a tiny pressure on the bladder caused by laughing, sneezing, and coughing results in urine leakage or incontinence.

Kidney stones

Kidney stones are hard forms of minerals and salt often made up of calcium or uric acid. They develop inside the kidney and travel to other parts of the urinary tract causing discomfort and pain. Needing to go to the washroom more frequently than usual is another symptom that the stone has traveled into the lower area of the urinary tract.

Bladder stones

Bladder stones develop when the minerals in concentrated urine crystallize. Sometimes these bladder stones do not cause any symptoms. However, if the stones irritate the bladder wall or block the flow of urine, then few symptoms may include blood in urine, pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urination.

Bladder infections

The most common symptom of bladder infection is frequent urination. Bacteria that enter through the urethra and move into the bladder cause bladder infections.

Bladder neck obstruction

Primary bladder neck obstruction (PBNO) is a disorder in which the urinary bladder neck is unable to open adequately at the time of voiding, resulting in increased striated sphincter activity or prevention of urinary flow when there is no other anatomic obstruction, like the one triggered by benign prostatic enlargement in males or genitourinary prolapse in females. Primary bladder neck obstruction can present with a variety of symptoms, including urge incontinence.


Cystitis is the inflammation of the urinary bladder and is mostly caused by a bacterial infection. The symptoms of a condition may be a feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen, pelvic pain, and an increase of urge to urinate constantly.


Urethritis is a disorder in which the urethra which carries pee from the bladder to flow outside the body, becomes inflamed. It happens commonly due to bacterial infection.

Urethral Stricture

A urethral stricture is defined as the scarring in or around the urethra which causes narrowing or blocking of the passage through which the urine flows out of the bladder. The urethral stricture is a result of any bladder infection, injury or inflammation. It is more common in males as compared to females. The disorder causes frequent urination issues and can also result in complications like severe include urinary tract infections, urinary retention, and kidney damage.


It is a bacterial infection that starts in the lower urinary tract that has traveled from the urethra, then begins to multiply and spread up to the bladder. A woman may develop Pyelonephritis when she is pregnant.

Urethra in a woman is much shorter in comparison to a man’s urethra, so it is very easy for bacteria to find their way into their bodies. This makes women more prone to urinary and kidney infections and puts them at an increased risk of acute pyelonephritis. This condition increases the urge to urinate frequently.


It is a condition characterized by stretching and swelling in kidneys caused due to the inability of the urine to drain out from the kidney completely. This is typically caused due to blockage or obstruction. As a result, the kidney becomes so engorged with urine, that it exerts pressure on the adjacent organs and if this condition is not addressed or left untreated, the kidneys get damaged permanently. Frequent urination and an elevated urge to urinate is one of the symptoms of hydronephrosis.

Autonomic Neuropathy

Autonomic Neuropathy is defined as those symptoms that occur as a result of damage to the nerves that perform everyday functions. It takes place when the nerves that are controlling involuntary bodily functions are damaged.

Reactive arthritis

Reactive arthritis is an inflammatory condition in which there are joint pain, stiffness, and swelling triggered by an infection in the body. Most commonly, a sexually transmitted disease or bacterial infection in the intestines triggers the development of reactive arthritis. It may also result in symptoms in the urinary tract like an increased urge to urinate frequently.

Multiple sclerosis

It is a disease in which the immune system damages the protective membrane of the functional nerves. Urinary bladder problems are common symptoms in multiple sclerosis disorder and can have a significant impact on several aspects of your everyday life. Multiple Sclerosis causes disruption in the functioning of nerve signals which direct the movement of urine in the body, so that flows out involuntarily when you are not ready.

Ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is often termed as a "silent killer" because of the absence of any symptoms in the early stages. One of the signs includes increased urge to pee frequently. Ovarian cancer is difficult to diagnose in the early stages. It usually develops as a painless lump on the ovary and enlarges gradually. It does not show any symptoms until it becomes serious.

Bladder cancer

The cancer cells develop tumors in the lining of the urinary bladder covering the bladder’s muscular walls which result in symptoms related to urination. Bladder cancer is often typified by the increased urge to pee and the visible blood in the urine.

How to pee less often: frequent urination treatment

It is important to understand the root cause of your frequent urination problem in order to address the issue. Thankfully, the answers are usually available. We have made significant strides in medical sciences, disease treatment, and the improvement of the quality of life. Thus, health issues like frequent urination can be addressed in the modern world of scientific advancement.

Bladder retraining

In this therapy, the time interval between usage of the washroom is increased in the span of 12 weeks. This helps in retraining your bladder to put less pressure to pee frequently.

Changing your diet

Eat food that does not irritate your bladder. Avoid caffeine, chocolate, tomato-based foods, alcohol, and spicy items. Also, eat fiber-rich foods to avoid constipation that worsens the symptoms of overactive bladder syndrome.

Monitoring fluid intake

Avoid drinking just before bedtime (which can lead to nighttime urination.)

Kegel exercises

These exercises provide strength to the muscles around the urinary bladder and urethra to improve bladder control, reduce pee urgency and frequency. Exercising pelvic muscles for 5 minutes 3 times a day improves bladder performance.


Drugs like darifenacin, Noctiva, Tofranil and Ditropan are some medicines to treat the problem of frequent urination.


Botox relaxes the urinary bladder when injected into the bladder muscle and also increases its storage capacity and hence reduces the instances of leakage.

Small nerve simulators

The devices implanted under the skin can manipulate contractions in the organs and muscles within the pelvic floor.


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