Why You Should Eliminate Bread From Your Diet

Eating bread

Wait – what’s wrong with whole wheat? 

Isn’t that healthy? The short answer is, not necessarily. Unlike “100% whole” grain bread, just “whole” alone on the front of the package often indicates a combination of flours that includes refined flour, which breaks down into glucose very quickly. In fact, there is no significant difference in the glycemic index of white bread and regular whole wheat bread! That means that they both break down into glucose and enter the bloodstream at the same high rate.

“100% whole” wheat or grain bread, on the other hand, breaks down more slowly because of its higher content of fiber in its natural state. The more fiber a food has naturally – meaning not added back after being refined out – the more slowly it converts to glucose, and the healthier it is.

Does that mean no more sandwiches? 

Not at all. Simply look for “100%” whole wheat or “100%” whole grain when choosing bread, as this number is associated with a legal standard. Then you can rest assured that you’re eating the best thing since sliced bread.

Bread has significant nutrient value & contains Vitamin B & Iron. However, if you are consuming it in large amounts it is highly likely that it contributes to gain weight. If you are wondering how much weight you'll lose if you totally eliminate bread out of your diet, keep in mind that it depends on how much bread you are currently consuming. If eliminating bread means just avoiding toast during breakfast, you shouldn't expect drastic changes regarding your weight loss. But if you have a habit of pairing your meal with bread every time you sit on the table, total elimination will result in a significant reduction of caloric intake. Thus, a drastic change considering the weight loss should take part.

Although Bread is not that stuffed with calories, frequent consumption will surely add a significant amount of extra weight. You need to know, white bread contains 266 calories/100 gms or 80 calories/30 gm piece. Wholegrain bread contains 247 calories / 100 gms or 74 calories / 30 gms piece. If you usually have a toast for breakfast, English muffin for a snack, a piece of white bread for lunch & another one for dinner, keep in mind that you consume 454 more calories just out of bread. That is 3,178 extra calories per week. Actually, it's a matter of taste. If you can live without the taste of bread, you can easily eliminate it off your diet.

Before you get rid of bread & bread products completely, be prepared for changes in your body & your mind.

  1. If you are a true carb lover, getting rid of bread can bring on some intense craving. The craving for bread is related to your body desiring the sugar high from the simple carbs found in most bread products, The cravings will subside over time but it usually takes a few weeks. You need to up your good fats to control craving.

  2. You may feel sluggish for a time… You get a short burst of energy & the level of serotonin (happy hormones) increases temporarily after consuming refined products. Not eating of sluggishness is temporary & your body quickly adjusts to your new way of eating. The sluggish feeling is called CARB FLU & one reason for it is not enough Sodium in your diet. Also, your body is making an adjustment, it is shedding excess carbs & sugars out of your system.

  3. Your digestion feels off. Refined products have some nutrients that help with digestion. When you get rid of bread, you may find yourself feeling constipated, so add more fruits & vegetables.

  4. The scale moves down. The simple carbs in bread tend to make you hold water weight. Much of the initial weight loss you will see comes from a loss in water weight.

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