Teaching Kids Python Programming

Teaching Kids Python Programming

Python is a high-level programming language that has simplified the understanding of coding concepts. It is amongst the top 10 widely used programming languages. Learning the basics of coding becomes easier with Python for kids as well as for beginners, since most of Python commands are simple English words. So, kids do not have to juggle with any binary codes to learn how to code in Python. There are several code writing tools for Python that come with an easy-to-understand interface. These tools encourage the kids to try their hands at coding, thereby catering to the need of learning Python for kids.

You can teach Python to kids without making them do any tedious pre-reading tasks. Python is considered to be the programming language of the moment and is being used to develop innumerable software applications. With this simple text-based programming language kids can write codes from printing 'Hello World!'​ to designing animations and games. Python programming for kids fosters their interest in learning and executing various code snippets. Keep reading to know more about the advantages of learning this easy-to-start programming language, Python for kids.

Why Python?

The syntax of Python makes it easy for beginners to code any set of instructions.

For example, if you want to print "Hello!"​ on the computer screen, the command line for it in Python will be: print('Hello'​)

Such a simple command set and syntax make it easier to learn Python for kids. Easy readability is one of those features of Python, which has led to its immense popularity among coders. Also, the important concepts of Object-oriented programming can be demonstrated easily with Python programming for kids.

Some other beneficial features of Python are listed below.

1. Built-in data structures.

2. Encourages Code reuse.

3. Availability of an extensive standard library.

4. A super-fast edit-test-debug cycle.

Python emphasizes a simple programming approach that can be interpreted and understood without learning any complicated syntax. Also, as stated above Python supports code reuse and modularity with the use of modules and packages. All these features of Python make it a cost-effective programming language.

Why should kids learn Python?

Since Python is known for easy readability, Python programming for kids can instill a passion for coding without overwhelming them. In the era of digitalization, nothing can surpass the importance of coding. So among the other programming languages like java, C#, etc, Python for kids is a convenient option for learning the concepts of coding. Here are a few reasons why kids should learn Python.
  • Python is one of the most flexible programming languages. it comes with an easily readable set of commands and syntax that is far less complicated than the other programming languages. These commands are plain English text-based words. Thereby making it more feasible for kids to learn Python.
  • Kids do not have to go through extensive textbook-reading, to start with coding in Python. Learning Python for kids is quite an achievable task, even if they do not have any prior knowledge of coding.
  • Python has an extensive standard library that can be imported based on the coding requirements. Kids can improvise many of their ideas when they code in Python by importing the desired libraries. This enhances the accessibility of Python. Kids can write Python codes for any program in fewer steps than they would have in java or C.
  • Python is a very kid-friendly Programming language, and kids can gradually experiment with various code snippets to write programs to create their own video games and animations.
  • It is very evident that the Python programming language is here to stay. So it is important to learn Python for kids owing to the wide range of its applications. Knowledge of Python will also give them an upper hand if they pursue higher studies in data science, automation, machine learning, and web development.
  • Despite various enhancements, the basic structure of the programming language remains unaltered. Therefore, learning Python programming for kids will prove to be an advantage as their skills will not become obsolete in the future.
  • Learning Python will also enhance the critical thinking abilities of the kids. Yes, logical thinking is the key to understanding coding concepts. So writing Python codes for various programs will enable kids to visualize and comprehend abstract concepts. This, in turn, will also trigger their ability to analyze and solve math problems.

The most important thing that has to be kept in mind while writing codes in Python is the syntax. There are various code writing tools that enable kids to learn the key concepts of Python programming. To learn Python syntaxes kids can practice writing Python code snippets in these code writing tools. Often kids run away from learning programming languages due to the complicated syntaxes. However, with the simple syntax of Python, this issue is discarded. Kids can write Python codes to generate various fun animations, as per their interests.

It is very important to retain the interest of the kids in Python, so they can develop a good concept of coding. For this, we need to break the whole information on any particular concept into bite-sized chunks and encourage kids to solve Python exercises on their own. This in turn makes learning Python programming for kids more manageable without causing them to lose interest. The more they solve Python exercises, the better they will be able to understand the concept and applications of various coding elements, such as variable initialization, conditional statements, loops, functions, etc.
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