Teachers with passion inspire students. They get students interested and even excited about what they are learning. Passion is what makes students decide to study more.
I observed a teacher for a while who taught both math (which he loved) and computer science (which he was not so enthusiastic about). The difference in the level of success between students in those different courses was amazing. Same teacher. Same brilliant mind. But a different level of enthusiasm meant different levels of results.
Too many high school teachers in CS (but not just in CS) are teaching about things they are not passionate about. Passion can not be faked. The reality is that many teachers are going to be forced to teach things that are outside their core interests. That doesn't mean the course has to be a failure though.
Good teachers will find a way to get more interested in what they are teaching and to make things more interesting for their students. It requires a little more work, a little more imagination, and maybe even a little acting ability. The best teachers make learning interesting, exciting, and important. The teachers who do that well deserve our support and most of all our gratitude.
How To Be A Passionate Teacher?
Read out the effective tips from the experts to be an effective teacher.
Love Doing Your Job.
This is an initial step to become an effective teacher. Teaching is one of the enjoyable and rewarding fields. Yet, it is one of the demanding and exhausting too. If you wish to become a teacher then you should first prepare yourself for the job. Secondly, you should choose this job only if you love children. You intend on caring for them with all your heart. Similarly, you cannot expect the children to enjoy themselves if you don’t enjoy teaching them.
While you teach the students try to make the topic alive by engaging it with the students. Instead of, just reading out the instructions from the textbooks. Whenever you teach your students try to alive your passion shine for each and every day. Your children will love your enthusiasm.
It is quite boring to teach someone who doesn’t even look like to care about what they are saying. Yet, it’s extremely stimulating, on the other hand, to have someone teach about a topic with pure satisfaction. If you love something, then show it to your students. It will spread automatically as it is contagious.
Impact the lives of children
Being a teacher you need to be extra careful and responsible. As a teacher, you should be well aware of the responsibility that comes with your profession. You should aim to impact the lives of the children in a positive manner. Think about how can you make a difference in their lives. You should always have a positive impact on the children’s lives. Students pass through different stages. So, you need to support them and encourage them towards their good deeds.
Be a role model. If you are thinking about something or working on a project or just walking along and found something interesting which relates to class, then tell your students about the experience. What you and your students discuss doesn’t have to be cut off in your classroom. Try to show them how and what you’re teaching, applies to the world outside the classroom also.
Create A Positive Environment.
Before you start your day with the children try to bring positivity to the classroom. While you enter the classroom always wear your smile. Remember that a smile can change anyone’s day. There might be the reason that you are totally frustrated from the inside but never yell it out at children. You are their superhero and if you will take out your frustration on them then how will they learn positivity from you. It does not matter were you able to sleep last night or not. You did not have a good start in the morning or you have some of your personal problems. You should wear a smile on your face at then start your day with the children. Learn to wear a mask of happiness if you are suffering from something bad.
Your children deserve good. You need to be someone who keeps smiling and spreads positivity. Believe me, this will make your day too. Don’t allow yourself to get down by other people’s negativity.
No matter what is your content is, if students have skills applying that knowledge for any test or exam, they will be definitely hooked. The world is sundry and enthralling. Classrooms, on the other hand, are appallingly isolating at times. Give them a quick look at the real world.
Be Open-Minded
Being a teacher you need to be open-minded with your students. Every job has its ups and downs and you need to take it positively. There might be times when you may be criticized by your students, their parents, or any other colleague. At this phase, you need to calmly understand the situation and handle it very positively. Take it as a lesson and learn from it. This will make you a better person. Take criticism positively and give your 100% to work over it. Nobody is perfect and a passionate teacher learns from mistakes and proves themselves as a better person.
Students frequently feel shy away from becoming too “academic” or “nerdy” because school is not always providing something which is cool. Continuously remind students that being smart, passionate, engaged people is really cool – and give them ample chances to be cool. If you need help with assignment writing or any topic that is a cause of your worries, please let us know.
Be Organized In Your Work
A passionate teacher always has their plan ready to perform. Be organized in your work. Plan everything accordingly. Before the day of your class try to plan everything you need to do in the class. What lesson you will teach, how you will help students to learn or revise their work. Which answers you need to mark. Everything. This will not leave you in any kind of rush. Instead, you will do everything peacefully.
Think of the things that went well and those things that got disturbed due to some changes. Now, think about how can you do things differently next time. What things you will include and exclude. Instead of thinking about failure, think about how to perform better. Meanwhile, you are a teacher so your learning process is of a lifetime. You learn in every phase of time. Find out your weaknesses and work on improving them.
When students want to accomplish something for their own academic development, half the war is already won. Now they have an internal motivating factor that will aid to drive them to that next level of success. And you should generously reward students who make any kind of improvements.
Know Your Students Personally
This is a fun part of being a teacher. Yet, it is important too. Sit with your students enjoy yourself with them. Try to learn their interests and favorite things. Get to know them closely. Indeed, share your interest too. This will help you to get engaged with your students quickly. They will love your presence around them and never get bored of you. This will also help you to deal with students at an individual level. You will understand their mindset and learning style. It will become easy for you to teach them and what is making them lack behind.
Additionally, get to know their parents too. Not only as a teacher’s duty but as an honor. Speaking to the parents will help you to understand the students at a better level. Additionally, with a better understanding. At last, try to have a good conversation with your colleagues. This will always help you to build a strong network inside and outside the school.
Give Your 100% To The Students
Always focus on delivering the best out of you. Whether you are teaching, giving notes, or taking the test always give your 100%. It’s not about being a teacher. It’s about the honor you receive. Do this for yourself, not for others. While giving your total self you will get to become a better person day by day. Indeed your children will love it too. In this way, your children will understand each point and perform better. If you think you will fail in any of the matters never give up. Try once more and you will do better. This is what makes a passionate teacher.
Find Inspiration From Others
A passionate teacher is also a creative one. But, this does not mean that you have to do everything on your own. Try to find different sources to inspire your children to get better at their work. You can the examples of legendary people like Albert Einstein, Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam, etc. You can teach the students about their struggles and then how they became successful even after facing so many problems. You can also take the help of different sources like google, youtube, Pinterest, etc, and help your students to learn from different sources.
Support Changes.
There are many times when things won’t go according to the plans. You should always encourage changes. Accordingly, when a new principal arrives there might be slight changes in the daily routine. Remember a good teacher never complains about the same indeed, they accept it and work on it. Never complain about the staff or your colleague. Everybody has some imperfections. You need to accept those and do your best. Instead of complaining about the changes, accept them and prove that you are the best at everything you are given.
Transforming even just one student onto a particular subject is not a cup of tea, and getting a whole class zealous is a true defy. But with the right passionate atmosphere, students might just understand that learning can be really, really cool!
Concluding, there are many other things that make a passionate and effective teacher. But, these are some of the best habits that will let you enjoy your job and help you become a better person.