Places To Get Free Bibles

Places To Get Free Bibles

We know that the Bible should be an important part of every Christian’s spiritual life. Even if you aren’t a Christian, reading the Bible can give you some useful insights and make you think about things in a way you may not have before. I’d encourage you to get a Bible and explore these ancient and living writings.

If you would like to get a physical copy of God’s Word, there are a lot of places that you can get a Bible for free.

A Christian Church Near You

Probably one of the first places you can go to find a Bible is your local church. Most churches will have Bibles available that you can take with you, either a smaller pocket version, or a larger study type Bible.

To find a church near you (if you don’t already have one), check out a church directory like this one. When you attend, ask if they have a Bible you can take with you.

Your City Library

You may not realize it, but your local library will almost always have a Bible for you to use. Often they’ll have multiple copies, with some of them being fancy study Bibles, or versions or translations you may not have read before.

Sometimes they’ll even have free copies available that you can keep. Give your local library a call and they’ll be able to tell you.

Bibles for America will send a free copy of the Recovery Version of the Bible. This version was first published in 1985 by Living Stream Ministry, and the one they send out will be only a New Testament.

They’ll send one copy out to you free of charge, with shipping paid.

Since 2000, has mailed over 30,000 Bibles free of charge to the homeless, sick and incarcerated.

They are entirely a volunteer organization with 100% of financial donations going toward purchasing Bibles and postage. If you don’t qualify for one of their free Bibles, they’ll link you to where you can find one for an affordable price. will send out a free NIV version of the New Testament, in English.

They currently ask that you request one Bible per person, and allow up to 6-8 weeks for postal delivery. They only ship in the United States.

The United States Bible Society has a form on their site where you can request a free copy of the King James Version of the Bible. It will usually take about 30 days for your order to be fulfilled.

To get your copy just go to their site and fill out their extremely simple form.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. – Psalm 119:105

Spread The Word Campaign – Free Bibles For Those Overseas

LeSEA’s Spread the Word program will provide a free Bible for people who are overseas. The program launched in 2000, and since then over 700,000 Bibles have been distributed.

If you are a new believer in a place like Egypt, Colombia, Iraq, Solomon Islands, Malaysia, Zambia, Togo, Austria, Pakistan, and Iran, they’ll do their best to ship a free Bible to you!

The Gideons International – The Nightstand At Your Hotel

If you’ve ever stayed at a hotel you know that just about every hotel room has a Gideon Bible in the nightstand drawer.

What you may not know is that those Bibles are there for you to use or even to keep if you’d like. The Bibles are replaced often and are put there for you to use, so don’t be shy.

The scriptures are placed there by a group called The Gideons International, and in addition to hotels, you’ll find them in key locations like hospitals, convalescent homes, medical offices, domestic violence shelters, prisons, and jails.

A Friend Or Family Member

If you have a friend or family member who is a Christian, in most cases they’ll have more than one Bible at their house and would be more than glad to offer one of them to you.

I know I have several and would love to give one to a friend (or even a stranger!).

But Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say, ‘People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4

Your Local Thrift Store’s Book Section

This one may be a bit out there, but sometimes you can go to your local thrift store and find a really nice Bible either for free or for extremely cheap.

Just head to your local thrift store, head to where they keep the books and look for a Bible.
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