Are you wondering how to pass GoTranscript audio test? Looking for GoTranscript audio test answers?
Well, you have landed on the right blog post.
In the world of online jobs, few are better than transcription especially if you are a beginner.
Without any discernible talent, you have the opportunity to make money using this venture.
In order to gain from this opportunity, you have to sign up with a freelance website.
These freelance websites can be overall freelance with different categories of jobs in the fields of art and design, technology, writing, typing, online surveys amongst other categories.
You can also choose to sign up with a website that gives you the opportunity to work as a full time or part time transcriber. One of these platforms is known as GoTranscript.
In order to get jobs from this platform, you have to pass the test offered and pass them to the satisfaction of the GoTranscript team.
We shall explore how you can take and pass the GoTranscript audio test.
We shall also look at some of the GoTranscript test answers 2025.
What is GoTranscript?
This is a transcription service that employs freelancers to work as transcriptionists online.
The platform was created in 2005. GoTranscript serves all customers from industries like education, media, marketing and many others.
They transcribe audios from various languages including Chinese, Arabic, Albanian, Croatian, amongst others.
The platform offers services like transcription, translations, subtitling and captions.
What is the GoTranscript test?
The GoTranscript audio test is taken by people that want to become transcribers with the platform. The test can be taken by people all over the world depending on the language of your preference.
For you to become a transcriber, you have to pass this test.
How to take the GoTranscript test?
For you to attempt the test, you have to create an account with the GoTranscript platform.
Take note that there are no different accounts created for sellers or buyers on the platform.
As you sign up, you are told that there are measures to prohibit the sale and purchase of transcription accounts.
The test is comprised of
- 10 multi-choice questions.
- 3-minute audio. It can be downloaded and you also control the playback speed.
When you reach the section on multi choice questions, you have to pass all of them so you can move on to the second part of the test.
After selecting your answers, you submit your answers for checking so that you can reach the GoTranscript audio page.
At this point, you are given guidelines on how to properly transcribe the audio.
With the guidelines, you learn about:
1. Full verbatim.
In this case, the text is transcribed exactly how it sounds and includes all the utterances of the speakers.
They include speech errors, false starts, filler words, slang words, stutters and repetitions.
2. Clean verbatim.
In this case, the text is altered to meet certain standards as prescribed by the GoTranscript platform.
In this case, there are alterations made to the words as presented in full verbatim in order to make them more formal.
3. Timestamping types.
The time stamping format must always be bold and in square brackets.
After you fully transcribe the audio, you can send it for review to the GoTranscript team.
You will be contacted within a period of 60 days upon the completion of your test.
If you have passed, then you have the opportunity to work as a transcriber with the platform.
And if you have failed, you are informed as soon as possible.
As a transcriber, you will be ranked according to how good your transcribed material is.
The editors on this platform assign ranks basing on the accuracy of the transcribed audiovisual files and they are as follows:
- 5: This is given when you have accuracy of 96% to 100%.
- 4: This is assigned to transcribers with 92% to 95% accuracy on their work.
- 3: This is assigned to transcribers with 88% to 91% accuracy on their work.
- 2: This is assigned to transcribers with 83% to 87% accuracy on their work.
- 1: This is assigned to transcribers with 0% to 82% accuracy on their work.
Keep in mind that these ratings are given upon each piece of transcribed document you submit.
It reflects how good you are at your work.
The platform allows you to become an editor if your average rating is more than 4.5.
An editor reviews files that have been transcribed by other transcribers.
They are entrusted with the work of a quality analyst so they can ensure that good work is done by every individual transcriber.
If you join the platform and fail to get an average rating above 3.6 upon completing three transcription jobs, you are automatically removed from the team.
You can however increase your chances of success by taking this Free General Transcription Mini-Course by Janet Shaughnessy.
It is a seven-lesson mini-course that will help you to jumpstart your transcription career.
The course is run by Janet Shaughnessy, creator of and owner of Zoom Transcription Services. She offers her award-winning training to general, legal, and medical transcriptionists
The free mini course will teach you everything you need to know to build a successful transcription career and start making money from the comfort of your home.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- What makes an excellent transcriptionist?
- Is there even a demand for transcription?
- Who hires transcriptionists?
- Can anyone be a transcriptionist?
Major rules to follow so you can pass the GoTranscript test.
When you are preparing to take the test, here are a few things that you must be keen on.
1. If you cannot hear the words being said, mark that as inaudible or unintelligible.
At times, the recordings are of poor quality in a way that you cannot make out what is being said.
In such a case, you have to mark that section of the audio unintelligible as compared to forging something out of your own imagination.
This applies to a situation where the speaker can be heard but you cannot make out what is being said.
2. When you are editing the document at the end, you have to monitor the length of the sentences that you are writing.
If the speaker has said a very long sentence with no breaks in between, you are allowed to divide them up in a way that will make the sentence meaningful to the listener.
This also applies when the speaker is using conjunctions like “but”, “and” or “so” to join together sentences.
3. While transcribing a long speech or audio, you should try as much as you can to create shorter paragraphs for the text.
In the transcription tool available on the website, you can write out paragraphs that should not be more than 500 symbols or 100 words.
This can translate into 3-4 standard transcription text lines. (Roughly 25 words per line)
4. Never paraphrase or reconstruct the speech in the audio you are transcribing.
This ensures that the original meaning of the statement is kept.
You must ensure that you do not type what you think but what you have heard.
5. Do not correct grammatical errors made by the speakers.
According to the platform, you are not allowed to correct anything found wrong with the way grammar was being used in the audio.
It makes the platform maintain the message in the audio file and to ensure accuracy in the transcribed file.
6. Always use the correct spelling for misspoken words.
When a word is pronounced wrongly in the audio file, you are at liberty to correct it as you type it out.
This makes it easy for a reader to understand the message as they do not have to gamble with looking for meanings of wrong words.
7. Everything with a time stamp should be bolded.
As mentioned earlier, you need to make the time stamps, speaker labels and marks bolder.
You should also enclose the time stamps in square brackets as stated in the guidelines.
8. Always use square brackets in the final text transcribed.
As a general rule for all transcribers on all platforms across the world, you have to use square brackets as opposed to the commonly used round brackets.
9. You should ensure that all punctuation marks are added to the document.
If you have read any written work before, you know the importance of punctuations.
They give you a stop and start flow to enjoy the text or document as you read through it.
Therefore, you are asked to add question marks, full stops, commas and other punctuation marks as you see fit while editing the final transcribed text.
10. The beginning of every sentence is capitalized.
This varies across platforms. With GoTranscript, you are tasked with ensuring the proper flow of the sentence by capitalizing the letter of the first word in each sentence.
11. Never change spoken contractions.
Contractions like it’s, y’all, don’t and others must be kept that way if said by the speaker.
The rule is that the verbatim does not matter if the speaker says it himself.
12. Never use exclamation marks.
This rule is easy to understand. Exclamation marks are shown to indicate a significant emotion.
This means that you have abandoned the rationality and objectivity required to perform transcription work better.
13. Speaker labels.
When given the audio, you have to create or find the speaker labels.
They help a reader to keep up with the conversation.
In case the name of the speaker is mentioned, you should indicate the speaker label.
This remains intact even when there is only one speaker.
In case no name has been mentioned, there is need for you to make each speaker’s role as descriptive as possible.
That way, the document’s text can flow better to a reader.
If you do not understand who is speaking, you are required to add a question mark before the speaker label.
These labels must be written in bold, followed by a colon and space.
14. Abbreviations and acronyms should not contain dashes or periods.
When you hear the word USA, you should write it as USA not U.S.A.
This goes against company policy and might cause you to fail the test.
15. Follow the customer’s instructions.
At times, the customer stipulates the way in which the document should look.
Normally, they engage with the transcriptionist to communicate their needs with regards to a certain benchmark.
16. Italicize film, books, magazines, song titles, artworks, plays, radio programs etc.
This also includes names and descriptions of famous people and their quotes.
17. Always research the proper capitalization.
You have to make research about certain words if they are heard in the audio.
For example, if the speaker mentions the word iPhone, it does not matter whether it is in the middle of the sentence or at the beginning.
You have to use the commonly known spelling to make the word understandable.
18. Write links the way they should be written.
Links should be written out as This is better than “ w w w f a c e b o o k c o m.” You have to make sure it retains its meaning.
No spaces should be used when writing out links.
19. Sound events considerations.
Certain sounds that are significant to the audio must be noted.
Other sounds made by the speaker must be on the same line and always in the present tense.
Sounds that are not attributed to the speaker are always on another line.
Just like ambiance or background sound.
20. Numbers.
The guidelines stipulate that you are supposed to spell out single digit numbers or use numerals.
However, exceptions can be made when you come across money, years, ages, eras, percentages, measurements, mathematical equations and formulas, bible citations, fractions, postal codes, phone numbers and others.
21. How to deal with time of the day and dates.
You should capitalize the words AM and PM when transcribing text.
In case you are to use o’clock, you should type out the entire word.
For example, seven o’clock.
22. Double dashes or a single dash.
The basic rule is that you should use a single dash when the speech is interrupted but the speaker continues in his thought.
The guidelines differ when dealing with full verbatim and clean verbatim.
23. Quotation marks.
You can use double quotation marks when there is a direct quotation for example internal dialogues.
The first word in the quotations must be capitalized.
All other punctuation marks go inside the quotation marks.
Is it easy to pass the GoTranscript test?
As I write the article, it is easier to pass the test. The audio clip given to you is clear as compared to those that have been done in the past.
The best thing about the test is that you have guidelines that show you how the final transcribed document should look like.
It shows you the language, grammar and other things that have to be done to bring the document to its intended user.
How much do you earn on GoTranscript?
According to their official website, you can earn about $0.60 per audio or video minute transcribed. This is what you should expect to earn after you complete the work sent to you. There are no sign up fees.
The highest earners make over $1,215 per month. The average earnings on the platform round off to $150 per month.
The money is sent to you through PayPal and Payoneer every end of the week.
The good thing is that you get the exact amount paid to you as the platform covers the PayPal fees.
This means that if you earn $400 and you process a payment of that amount, you get the exact amount ($400) sent to your PayPal account.
What do you do if audio has no sound in GoTranscript?
When the audio in the transcription test has no sound, you have to inform the team at GoTranscript.
Since this is something that they occasionally deal with, they inform the client and make a refund of the money that was paid by the client.
In the case of a transcriber, you are given other pieces of work to transcribe.
If this issue exists in a small portion of the audio test file, it might be part of the test so you have to follow the instructions to the dot.
It is usually a test of whether you understood the instructions.
What should you do with curse words on GoTranscript?
When an audio has cursed words, you type them as they are. Cursed words are a challenge since they look really bad on paper.
However, the platform allows you to add them to the final text as they are mentioned in the audio file.
Pros of GoTranscript.
The platform is good for you as a seller or buyer of transcription services.
The benefits enjoyed by the seller of services (transcriber) include:
1. Variety of work available.
There is a lot of work that you can choose from.
This largely depends on the field you want to work in.
2. Potential for growth.
As mentioned earlier, you have the chance to become an auditor if you earn an average rating of over 4.5.
3.24/7 support.
The team at GoTranscript offers you any help that you may need while finishing up your transcription work.
4. Flexible work hours.
It is up to you to complete as much work as you want to.
5. Working from the comfort of your home.
The job is set up in a way that you can work from anywhere that is convenient to you.
6. Security features to keep your information private.
They have features that include face recognition, SMS verification and real time photo during registration.
7. Affiliate program.
The platform has an affiliate program which can earn you extra money on top of the transcription monies.
8. Ability to make some extra money.
This gig has the ability to earn you extra income so you can deal with a few expenses around your home.
9. The platform hires worldwide.
This means that you can work from anywhere as long as you have access to your GoTranscript page.
Cons of GoTranscript.
One of the biggest issues with the platform is the poor audio quality especially at the test.
A lot of people in the past have had complaints about the quality of audio given to new transcribers on the platform as part of the language entrance exam.
Low earnings. When you consider money made from transcription, you cannot rely on it as a substitute to a regular job.
The earnings are low and more helpful to people with limited responsibilities.
Conclusion: How to Pass GoTranscript Audio Test
I encourage you to take the test. A lot of people have passed it before you and there’s no reason you should not.
There are certain guidelines for you to pass the transcript test.
This makes the test passable to most people that take it.
The good thing is that you do not have to be 100% accurate when you take the test.
On average, they take about 92% accuracy when marking your test.
This gives you a really good chance to become a transcriber with the platform so you can make some money.
I hope you found this guide on how to pass GoTranscript audio test helpful.
Now I would like to hear from you.
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