
Form 1 Student Transfer Form and Admission Instructions 2024 [PDF]

Form 1 Student Transfer Form and Admission Instructions 2022 [PDF]

Students who wish to transfer from one school to another are required to complete a transfer form for their requests to be considered.

No school shall admit a student without a letter of transfer signed by the SCDE, CDE and  Director Secondary Education & Special Programmes as the case may be.

For students who are seeking transfer within the Sub-County the authorizing officer shall be the  SCDE. 

Students seeking transfers from one County to another, the authorizing officer shall be the CDE, subject to recommendation from CDE. 

On the other hand students seeking transfers from one Region to another, they will seek authorization from the CDE, subject to recommendation from Regional Coordinator of Education (RCE)

Transfers from one national school to another shall be authorized by the Director  Secondary Education and Special Programmes.

It is important to note that all Principals must give release letters to students seeking transfer to other schools stating very clearly the conduct of the students concerned. A Principal who covers up a student’s conduct  shall be held responsible for any subsequent problems. 

A school that may have a vacancy or vacancies to admit more students shall issue a transfer letter signed by the principal to the student’s former school for the transfer process to begin. 

No transfer shall be carried out in the middle of the year except those under special circumstances. 

Reasons that can instigate student transfer process include; Medical (attach medical report),  Performance,  Distance,  High Cost, Discipline among others.

Click here to download online Form 1 2024 joining instructions PDF

Once the student has downloaded the form one 2024 admission letter, the next thing is to go through the details and prepare adequately for the admission exercise.

Here are the details and joining instructions found on form 1 2024F admission letter

In this write up am going to use joining instructions for students selected to join Mangu high school

  1. Details and the the logo of the secondary school the student has been admitted to.
  2. Name of the student and a congratulatory message for securing admission.
  3. A section where the student will take the letter to primary school for endorsement from the Primary headteacher. No that the headteacher must embed a signature and official rubber stamp of the school.
  4. The letter will also indicate the reporting date for the student. The student will be expected to arrive at the school during working hours between 8.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. on the first day of reporting.   It will be inconvenient for you to arrive outside these hours or during weekends as there would not be personnel to attend to you. When reporting for admission, you must bring with you:
  •  A letter of introduction from either the Chief of your area, the pastor or    the Father-in-Charge of your Parish / Mission.
  • A letter of introduction from your Primary School Headteacher.
  • A certified copy of your result slip for K. C. P. E. Examination.
  • A certified copy of your BIRTH CERTIFICATE or document to prove your date of birth.
  • Two Passport Size Photos.
  • Photocopy of the I.D.s’ of parent(s) / guardian.
  • A medical certificate (Fill in the provided medical form MHS/A/3)


For your personal use, you must bring the following:

  • The Archdiocese of Nairobi School Hymnal (to be purchased from school)
  • The Holy Bible (Revised Standard Version).
  • Geometrical Set                  


Please note that the school does not offer special diet to students.  However, any medical concern on your health must be reported to the School Nurse immediately on admission.


You must provide yourself with two blankets, at least two pairs of bed sheets, (minimum size 150 x 225), 2 pillowcases, a mosquito net (conical 3 x 6 Blue in colour).


Each student is expected to provide himself with such items as:

A pair of black shoes (“Toughees”)

A pair of sports shoes

6 white Under-wears and 6 white Vests

4 Handkerchiefs


Toilet and washing soap

Shoe polish

Toothbrush and toothpaste

A plate and a spoon

A ¼ litre cup (standard size)

A metal bucket, 2 rubber squizzers & a slasher

Trunk (strong lockable metal box) and 2 padlocks


Fees payment guidelines for 2024

The admission letter will also contain fees structure as provided by the ministry of education.

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