TSC Interview Questions [Revealed]

Revealed: Interview Questions Likely To Be Asked During The Coming TSC Interviews

Invited for a Teachers Service Commission, TSC, interview and you are wondering what questions to expect and how to answer them? Well, this guide will give you a clue on possible questions and expected answers.

What are the national goals of education?

  • To foster nationalism, patriotism and promote national unity.
  • To promote social, economic, technological and industrial needs for national development.
  • To provide individual development and self-fulfilment.
  • To promote social equality and responsibility.
  • To promote sound moral and religious values
  • To promote international consciousness and a positive attitude towards other nations.
  • To promote a positive attitude towards good health and the environment.

What is the structure of the Ministry of education?

Cabinet Secretary3 Principal SecretariesDirector…

What is the overall role of the Minister for Education? 

  • Formulation of policy direction and management of professional functions relating to education.
  • Developing and implementing projects and programmes.
  • Developing curriculum.
  • Initiating training programmes.
  • Running examinations.
  • Giving grant-in-aid to schools.
  • Dealing with audit report
  • Admitting and transferring students.
  • Dealing with discipline of students.

Who publishes for the Ministry of Education?


What is the structure of the T.S.C?

Chairperson,  Deputy, Secretary, Directorate

What are the TSC core values?

  • Professionalism
  • Customer focus
  • Integrity
  • Innovation
  • Team spirit
  • Outline the TSC mission and vision.
  • What is inscribed in the TSC platform?

What are the functions of TSC?

Teachers Service Commission is mandated to perform the following functions:

  • to register trained teachers;
  • to recruit and employ registered teachers;
  • to assign teachers employed by the Commission for service in any public school or institution;
  • to promote and transfer teachers;
  • to exercise disciplinary control over teachers;
  • to terminate the employment of teachers.
  • review the standards of education and training of persons entering the teaching service;
  • review the demand for and the supply of teachers;
  • advise the national government on matters relating to the teaching profession.

What empowers T.S.C to carry out its functions?

  • The TSC Act (Cap212) of 1967
  • The Constitution of Kenya Article 237(2) of 2010

What is the role of the secretary T.S.C?

Under the guidance of the Commission, the Secretary will perform the following duties:-

  • Execute the decisions of the Commission.
  • Be the head of the Secretariat.
  • Facilitate, coordinate and ensure execution of the Commission’s mandate.
  • Advise the Commission on teacher projections to facilitate staffing of learning institutions.
  • Advise and make recommendations to the Commission on optimum utilization of available teachers.
  • Make recommendations to the Commission on appointment and deployment to administrative posts in educational institutions. TSC Interview Questions and Answers
  • Ensure maintenance of the register of teachers and be custodian of all records of the Commission.
  • Be the Accounting officer of the Commission and ensure proper and diligent implementation of Part IV of the TSC Act and any other written law.
  • Ensure staff compliance with the constitution and other laws.
  • Be responsible for administration and management of the secretariat resources.
  • Promote professionalism in the teaching service.
  • Advise the Commission on suitability of persons entering the teaching service.


What is the role of K.l.C.D., inspectorate and K.N.E.C?

The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) is mandated to perform the following functions:

  • Advise the Government on matters pertaining to curriculum development
  • Evaluate, vet and approve, for application in Kenya, any local and foreign curricula and curriculum support materials in relation to the levels of education and training
  • Implement the policies relating to curriculum development in basic and tertiary education and training;
  • Develop, review and approve programmes, curricula and curriculum support materials that meet international standards for— (i) early childhood care, development and education; (ii) pre-primary education; (iii) primary education; (iv) secondary education; (v) adult, continuing and non-formal education; (vi) teacher education and training; (vii) special needs education; and (viii) technical and vocational education and training.
  • Initiate and conduct research to inform curriculum policies, review and development.
  • Collect document and catalogue information on curricula, curriculum support materials and innovations to create a data bank and disseminate the information to educational institutions, learners and other relevant organizations
  • Print, publish and disseminate information relating to curricula for basic and tertiary education and training
  • Collaborate with other individuals and institutions in organizing and conducting professional development programmes for teachers, teacher trainers, quality assurance and standards officers and other officers involved in education and training on curriculum programmes and materials
  • Develop disseminate and transmit programmes and curriculum support materials through mass media, electronic learning, distance learning and any other mode of delivering education and training programmes and materials
  • Promote equity and access to quality curricula and curriculum support materials
  • Offer consultancy services in basic and tertiary education and training
  • Incorporate national values, talent development and leadership values in curriculum development
  • Receive, consider, develop and review curriculum proposals
  • Perform such other function as may be assigned to it under the KICD Act No.4 of 2013 or any other written law.

The core functions of the KNEC are to:

  • develop national examination tests;
  • register candidates for the KNEC examinations;
  • conduct examinations and process the results;
  • award certificates and diplomas to successful candidates;
  • issue replacement certificates and diplomas;
  • conduct educational assessment research;
  • conduct examinations on behalf of foreign exam boards.

 For all details about other schools in Kenya, please visit the link below;


What is the composition of the board of Management of a school and how are they chosen?

B.O.M is established under Section 55 of The Basic Education Act 2013.It is composed of;

  • The head of the schools as the secretary of the board,
  • 6 persons elected to represent parents or local community in case of County Sec. School
  • 1 person nominated by the county board.
  • 1 person representing teaching staff elected by teachers.
  • 3 representatives of school sponsor
  • 1 person to represent special interest group.
  • 1 person to represent persons with special needs.
  • 1 representative of the student council as an ex-officio.


Differentiate between the roles of the B.O.M and P.A in a School.


Some of the responsibilities and roles that are expected of this board includes;

  • providing oversight on management of the school.
  • monitoring curriculum delivery and learning achievement in the school.
  • to ensure that the students engage in extra curriculum activities.
  • to ensure the competence of the teachers in delivery of the content of the curriculum.
  • develop all institutional policies and ensure accountability and prudent use of institutional resources.
  • mobilizing resources for the institution development based on agreed strategic planning.
  • to promote networking and partnership for the school
  • to discuss and approve comprehensive termly and annual reports and forwards them to the county education board (CEB). TSC Interview Questions and Answers
  • to promote quality education and training for all learners in accordance with the standards set under the education acts, national policies, and county government policies
  • to supervise and ensure quality in curriculum implementation and delivery and oversee the conduct of examination and assessments of school.
  • to ensure and assure provision of proper and adequate proper physical activities as well as teaching and learning resources in order to create an enabling environment for the school community to perform their duties effectively and achieve set objectives of the institution.

PA – Parent Association

In order to help the school realize its purpose, parents play some important roles. These include,

  • Raise money to help both the running and the activities of the school.
  • Explain the roles of the school to the community, this is how teachers and community members come to a more harmonious relationship. TSC Interview Questions and Answers
  • They give their points of view to the teachers concerning academic improvement and moral standards.
  • Help head teachers and their staff maintain effective discipline among their students.


Define curriculum, co curricular and core curriculum.

  • Curriculum – all planned learning programs that facilitate formal, non-formal and informal learning.
  • Co-curriculum – voluntary curriculum that includes sport, clubs, student government and school publications.
  • Core curriculum – the body of knowledge, skills and attitudes expected to be learned by all students, generally related to a set of subjects and learning areas that are common to all students.


Distinguish between formal, non formal and informal curriculum

  • Formal curriculum – the curriculum in which there are deliberately organized, planned and written processes in a formally organized learning institution such as a school with organized structures such as classrooms.
  • Non formal curriculum – refers to any organized, planned and written learning activity that operates outside the formal education system. It emphasizes practical skills and targets particular population group.
  • Informal or Hidden curriculum – curriculum that constitutes a lifelong process in which people learn from every day experiences which are not necessarily planned or organized.


Give the process of curriculum development.

KICD has adopted a nine-stage curriculum development model as follows:

  1. Needs Assessment.
  2. Conceptualization and policy formulation.
  • Curriculum designs.
  1. Development of syllabuses.
  2. Development of curriculum support materials.
  3. Preparation of curriculum implementers.
  • Piloting/Phasing.
  • National Implementation.
  1. Monitoring and Evaluation.


What is the difference between curriculum and syllabus?

Curriculum is all planned learning programs that facilitate formal, non-formal and informal learning while the syllabus is a course outline comprising a collection of topics on the same subject matter and a series of statements of what is to be learned within a given time frame. This consists of the content and objectives of the core subjects and optional subjects offered.


Give cases of interdiction where a teacher earns half salary.

  • Fraudulent payment or excessive payment from public revenues for goods and services.
  • Failure to comply with any law or applicable procedures and guidelines relating to procurement.
  • Mismanagement of funds or incurring expenditures without planning.
  • Any offence involving dishonesty under any written law providing for maintenance or protection of public revenue.


Name the different types of leave a teacher is entitled to and how many days in a year is a permanent and pensionable teacher entitled to annual leave?

  1. Maternity Leave

A female teacher is entitled to 90 calendar days maternity leave from the date of confinement. This leave is exclusive of annual leave. The application for leave should be submitted to the DEO/MEO/DCE through the head of institution at least one month before the leave is due and must have supporting medical documents. TSC Interview Questions and Answers

  1. Paternity Leave

A male teacher can apply for paternity leave of up to 10 days within the period of spouse’s maternity leave.

  1. Study leave – with pay

– without pay

  1. Annual leave

Permanent & pensionable – 30 days with full pay each year.

Temporary or contract – 30 days with full pay each year.

  1. Sick leave

Permanent & pensionable – 3 month full pay another 3 month ½ pay in the calendar year.

Temporary or contract – 1 month full pay another 1 month ½ pay

  1. Compassionate leave

In times of distress such as death, a court case, marital disharmony, arson and serious illness of a member of the family – maximum 15 days in a year.

  1. Special leave

Short duration for teachers who have to travel abroad to participate in seminars or short courses or important events – max. 3 months in a year.

  1. Compulsory leave

30 days with full pay to allow investigations into allegations.

  1. Leave without pay

Special conditions eg accompanying a sick person for more than normal 15 days compassionate leave.


When is a teacher given study leave with pay?

  • Has worked for the commission for a min. of 5 years
  • UT teacher seeking to undertake postgraduate diploma or degree in education.
  • A teacher studying in an area of great need as specified in the study leave policy.
  • Trained technical teacher admitted to a national polytechnic for a higher National Diploma provided the subject area is in demand in the teaching service. TSC Interview Questions and Answers
  • Has demonstrated a good record in performance.

What are the possible verdicts of interdiction?

  1. A teacher has no offence hence revoke interdiction.
  2. A teacher has committed an offence that does not warrant removal hence;
  • Warning in writing.
  • Surcharge
  • Suspension not exceeding 6 months without pay.
  • Retire in the public interest
  • Refered for medical evaluation by Director of Medical Services.
  1. A teacher has committed an offence hence dismissal and deregistered.


Differentiate between interdiction and suspension.

  • Suspension – Temporary prohibition of a teacher from exercising his/her functions as a teacher pending determination of his/her disciplinary case.
  • Interdiction – removal of a teacher from service in accordance with regulation 153 of the TSC Code.

What are the interdiction cases where a teacher does not earn any money?

  • Chronic absenteeism
  • Desertion of duty
  • Having been jailed
  • Misappropriation/mismanagement of public funds.
  • Fraudulent claims & receipt of funds.
  • Use of false certificates.
  • Forgery, impersonation, collusion & immoral behavior.

What is C.B.E? How is it calculated?

Curriculum Based Establishment – the number of teachers a school need in relation to the number of streams a school has. It is calculated by considering the minimum lessons a teacher should teach(27) and the subjects offered in the school.


Name four education commissions since independence and what were the recommendations of the commissions.

  1. Ominde commission(1964)
  • It reformed the education system inherited from the colonial government to make it responsive to the needs of independent Kenya.
  • It proposed an education system to foster national unity and create sufficient human resource for national development
  • English became a medium of instruction
  • It set the entry age to class one at 6 years.
  1. Bessay Report (1972)
  • It recommended changes to the inherited curricular to make it relevant to local needs.
  1. Gachathi Report(1976)
  • The report focused on redefining Kenya’s educational policies and objectives, giving consideration to national unity, economic, social and cultural aspirations of the people of Kenya. TSC Interview Questions and Answers
  1. Mackey Report (1981)
  • It led to the removal of ‘A’ level and expansion of other post-secondary training institutions.
  • It led to the establishment of Moi University.
  • It recommended the stablishment of the 8-4-4 system of education and the commission of High Education (CHE)
  1. Kamunge commission(1988)
  • It focused on improving education financing, quality and relevance.
  • From this report , the government produced Sessional Paper No 6 on Education & Training for the Next Decade & Beyond.
  • This led to the policy of cost sharing in education between the government, parents and community.
  1. Koech commission(2000)
  • It recommended Totally Integrated and Quality Education and Training(TIQET) in order to accelerate industrial and technological development.


On which grounds can a teacher be retired?

  • Age
  • Public interest- gross miscond
  • Medical/ill health
  • Abolition of office

Notice for retire – 3 months

Name three types of retirement benefits.

  • Pension
  • Gratuity
  • Work injury benefits


What is the deadline for submission of Books of Accounts for auditing?

31st January following year


What does the ‘Orange Book contain?

Prices of reference and course books


Who is the TSC agent in your school?

The principal


Differenciate between informal education, formal education and non- formal education

  • Informal Education:– the truly lifelong process whereby every individual acquires attitudes, values, skills and knowledge from daily experience and the educative influences and resources in his or her environment-from family and neighbours, from work and play, from the marketplace, the library and the mass media…’
  • Formal Education:– the hierarchically structured, chronologically graded “educational system”, running from primary school through the university and including, in addition to general academic studies, a variety of specialized programmes and institutions for full-time technical and professional training.’
  • Non-Formal Education:– any organized educational activity outside the established formal system-whether operating separately or as an important feature of some broader activity-that is intended to serve identifiable learning clientèle and learning. TSC Interview Questions and Answers


What are the five areas in a lesson observation form?

  • Introduction & lesson organization
  • Content delivery
  • Teaching methods
  • Learners involvement & communication
  • Classroom management.


Name the seven areas enlisted for targets in a TPAD.


  1. For the Secondary school teachers the TPAD file must have the following
  1. File
  2. Appraisal tool of 2016,dully signed at the back by your Appraiser(Deputy) and countersigned by the principal
  • Pages 12,13,14 must be filled and signed as required, Rubber stamp must appear in Pg 13 of 15 both in Term 1 ,2 and 3
  1. 1st pg appraisal period be stated.1st of January 2016 to 31st DEC 2016
  2. You must have at least 3 observation form signed by Deputy for trs. For 2016, as for 2017 have one in the file now.
  3. Have a T/Table of yr Lesson in yr TPAD file..at least For 2016 and 2017
  • A document to show year target/school/class
  • Lesson Recovery Record evidence if you have.



Current Office Holder


Dr. Lydia Nzomo

Eight Commissioners

1.      Cleopas Tirop (Vice Chairperson)

2.      Dr. Salome Gichura

3.      Chache Bonza Bolo

4.      Beatrice Marembo Adu

5.      Kinoti Imanyara

6.      Albert Fred Ekirapa

Secretary / CEO:

Mrs. Nancy Njeri Macharia

Deputy Secretary

Mr. Simon M. Kavisi

Credits; Adapted.


The Commission has developed a new interview score sheet for promotions. The following areas are tested and a candidate must score 50% and above in order to be deployed. TSC Interview Questions and Answers

The interview areas and maximum marks to be awarded:


i). Achievements- 10 marks
ii). Co-curricular achievements- 8 marks
iii). Participation in Education affairs- 5 marks
iv). Knowledge on the formation, members and functions of BOG and
PTA- 5 marks
v)Role of the sponsor- 2 marks
SUB-TOTAL: 30 marks


  • i). Knowledge of all Education Commissions- 3
  • ii). Purpose for formation of such Commissions or working parties- 3 marks
  • iii). Their respective recommendations- 3 marks
  • iv). Adoptions/implementation- 3 marks
    SUB-TOTAL: 12 marks


I). Curriculum Development

  • i). Structure of Kenya Institute of Education- 3 marks
  • ii). Function of Kenya Institute of Education- 3 marks
  • iii). Current trends in the curriculum- 5 marks

II). Implementation

  • i). Structure and function of Teachers Service Commission- 5 marks
  • ii). Functions and structure of MOEST – Inspection and Directorate: 4 marks

III). Evaluation

  • i). Membership of Kenya National Examination Council- 3 marks
  • ii). Relationship between TSC, MoE/MoST, KNEC and KIE- 5 marks
    SUB TOTAL: 28 marks


  • i). Teachers Service Commission- 1 mark
  • ii). Education Act- 1 mark
  • ii). Kenya National Examination Council Act- 1 mark
  • iii). Trade and Dispute Act- 1 mark
  • iv). TSC Code of Regulations for teachers- 1 mark
  • v). Schemes of Service for teachers- 1 mark
  • vi). A Manual for Heads of Secondary Schools in Kenya- 1 mark
    SUB-TOTAL: 7


  • i). Kenya Institute of Education- 2 marks
  • ii). Jomo Kenyatta Foundation- 2 marks
  • iii). Kenya Literature Bureau- 2 marks
  • iv). Kenya Education Staff Institute- 2 marks
    SUB-TOTAL: 8


  • i). Knowledge of the three arms of Government and their interrelationship- 3 marks
  • ii). Legislature; Its function, role of speaker, clerk and sergeant-at-arms-  3 marks
  • iii). Executive; Functions, role of the Permanent Secretaries vis-à-vis Ministers- 3 marks
  • iv). Judiciary; Functions, Structure, Attorney General, Chief justice etc.- 3 marks
    SUB TOTAL 12

G). General Knowledge 3



To ascend to any of the administrative position in school, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has set a wide array of conditions that must be met by the teachers. These conditions and criteria for deployment are contained in the Career Progression Guideline for teachers of 2018 and the Policy on Appointment and Deployment of Institutional Administrators of 2017. The be appointed to any of the administrative positions, a teacher who meets the set qualifications applies, is shortlisted, attends an interview and successful ones are competitively appointed and deployed; accordingly. TSC Interview Questions and Answers

Below is an outline of the various administrative positions for various cadres of schools:


The secondary schools have been stratified and principals heading the various categories are placed in different grades, thus;

  • i). Principals of Sub- County and All Day schools: To be appointed so as to head this category of schools, one must have served as a Deputy Principal (Grade D2) for atleast 3 years. These schools are headed by a Principal having Grade 3 (T- Scale 13).
  • ii). County Schools with with over 540 students: These schools are headed by Senior Principals, Grade D4 (T- Scale 14). To be appointed to this grade, a teacher must have served as a Principal at Grade D3 for a minimum period of three (3) years.
  • iii). National and Extra County Schools with over 1000 students: Headed by a Chief Principal of Grade D5 (T- Scale 15). To be appointed to this grade, one must first serve for atleast 3 years at a Senior Principal; Grade D4.


  • i). Sub- County and All Day schools: Deputy Principal III of Grade D1 (T- Scale 11). To ascend to this position you must first serve as a Senior Master at Grade C5 for a minimum period of three (3) years.
  • ii). County Schools with with over 540 students: Deputy Principal II of Grade D2 (T- Scale 12). To be appointed to this grade one must have served as a Deputy Principal at D1 for atleast three (3) years.
  • iii). National and Extra County Schools with over 1000 students: Deputy Principal I; Grade D3 (T- Scale 13). To be promoted to this grade one must first serve as a Deputy Principal at D2 for atleast three (3) years. TSC Interview Questions and Answers


  • i). Sub- County and All Day schools: Senior Master III of Grade C5 (T- Scale 10). To be promoted to this grade one must serve as a teacher at Grade C4 for over three (3) years.
  • ii). County Schools with with over 540 students: Senior Master II with Grade D1 (T- Scale 11). To ascend to this position, a teacher must have served as a Senior Master III of Grade C5 (T- Scale 10) for a minimum period of three years.
  • iii). National and Extra County Schools with over 1000 students: Senior Master I with a qualification of Grade D2 (T- Scale 12). To ascend to this position, a teacher must have served as a Senior Master II with Grade D1 (T- Scale 11) for a minimum period of three years. TSC Interview Questions and Answers


  • i). Primary schools with enrollment of below 1000 learners: Head Teacher with Grade C5 (T- Scale 10). To be appointed to this grade a teacher must have served as a Deputy Head Teacher at Grade C4 for atleast three (3) years.
  • ii). Primary schools with enrollment of over 1000 learners: Senior Head Teacher with Grade D1 (T- Scale 11). To be appointed to this grade a teacher must have served as a Head Teacher at Grade C5 for atleast three (3) years.


  • i). Primary schools with enrollment of below 1000 learners: Deputy Head Teacher II Grade C4 (T- Scale 9). Experience required: Served as Senior Teacher at Grade C3 for atleast 3 Years.
  • ii). Primary schools with enrollment of over 1000 learners: Deputy Head Teacher I at Grade C5 (T- Scale 10). Required experience: Served as Deputy Head Teacher at Grade C4 for atleast three (3) years.


  • i). Primary schools with enrollment of below 1000 learners: Senior Teacher II with Grade C2. Qualification: Served as a Primary School Teacher I at Grade C1 for atleast three (3) years.
  • II). Primary schools with enrollment of over 1000 learners: Senior Teacher I with Grade C3. Required experience: Served as Senior Teacher II at Grade C2 for a minimum period of three (3) years.
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