Keep your body energized and vitalized with this health-boosting green smoothie that gets its benefits from not only spinach, but ginger, carrot, and apple as well.
☛2 large handfuls of baby spinach
☛1 medium carrot, chopped
☛1 medium apple, cored
☛1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger root
☛1 cup (240ml) of white grape juice
Add spinach, apple, carrot, and ginger to your blender. Blend on high until combined. Add grape juice and pulse until smooth. You can adjust consistency with more grape juice if you like.
Why is ginger so healthy for you anyways? Here are a few reasons:
- Anti-Inflammatory action (example: studies have shown relief from arthritis)
- Offers protection against many cancers
- Pregnant? Ginger is safe and effective at relieving nausea and vomiting
- Antioxidant properties
- Immune booster (helps fight off colds and flu)
- Supports cardiovascular health
Don’t limit your ginger usage to smoothies alone; use it when sauteing vegetables, making homemade salad dressings, rice dishes, and anything else that could use a little spice. Now that you’re sold on ginger, it’s time to blend up this delicious smoothie.