TSC Recruitment—Documents Submission | Merit Lists [PDF]

TSC Recruitment—Documents Submission | Merit Lists [PDF]

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has provided clear guidelines on the submission of merit lists and documents at the county level as part of the 2024/2025 primary school teacher recruitment process.

These guidelines are designed to ensure transparency, accountability, and proper documentation in the teacher selection and hiring process.

1. Submission of Merit Lists

Upon completion of the verification and selection process at the sub-county level, TSC Sub-County Directors are required to compile the following documents and submit them to the TSC County Director:

  • List of all applicants who presented documents for verification (Appendix II)
  • Sub-County Merit List (Appendix III), which outlines the ranked order of applicants based on their performance in the selection process
  • Summary of any complaints raised during the selection process, alongside the actions taken to resolve them
  • Minutes of the Sub-County Selection Panel meeting, signed by the Chairperson and Secretary, detailing how the final list of successful applicants was agreed upon

2. County-Level Merit List

Once the sub-county documents have been received, the TSC County Director is responsible for compiling a County Merit List from the submissions.

This list will serve as the final ranking of applicants for the county and will be used for further verification at the TSC Headquarters.

3. Documents to be Submitted to TSC Headquarters

The TSC County Director must submit the following documents to TSC Headquarters within the specified time frame:

  • Signed minutes of the Sub-County Selection Panel, verified by the TSC County Director
  • County Merit Lists (Appendix IV)
  • List of selected applicants drawn from the Sub-County/County merit list (Appendix V)
  • List of applicants who did not appear for verification (Appendix VI)
  • List of applicants with disabilities (Appendix VII)
  • Duly signed Offer of Employment Letters for successful candidates
  • Original statements confirming examination results (PTE/DPTE, KCSE, KCPE) from the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC), for those without original certificates
  • Original Medical Examination Reports (GP 69 Form)

4. Certified Copies of Key Documents

The County Director must also submit certified copies of the following documents for each selected applicant:

  • National identification card
  • Teacher registration certificate
  • PTE/DPTE Upgrade certificate (where applicable)
  • KCSE and KCPE certificates or their equivalents (including certificates for re-sit attempts, if applicable)
  • KNEC letter of certification for results (where applicable)
  • Primary and secondary school leaving certificates and relevant testimonials
  • National Council of Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) card (where applicable)
  • Affidavit to explain any discrepancies in names
  • KRA PIN certificate, bank form, and bank plate/card to facilitate payroll processing

5. Compliance and Oversight

The TSC Regional Director oversees the recruitment process within their respective regions to ensure that all guidelines are followed.

The County Directors are responsible for ensuring the exercise is conducted fairly, transparently, and in full compliance with the TSC guidelines.

All submitted documents must be signed, certified, and in the proper order as per the approved checklist before submission to the TSC Headquarters.


TSC’s submission guidelines ensure a well-structured, fair, and transparent recruitment process.

These measures are in place to uphold the integrity of the hiring process and to ensure that only qualified and verified candidates are considered for permanent and pensionable teaching positions.

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