
Boost Your Child’s Immune System With These 10 Simple Ways

Boost Your Child’s Immune System With These 10 Simple Ways
The immune system is a network of cells, tissues, and organs working together to defend the body against several harmful microorganisms like bacteria and viruses, encountered on a daily basis which causes infections and diseases. In children, this system is still immature, making them more susceptible to falling ill.

Here are ten simple ways to equip your child’s body with what it takes to guard itself against these foreign invaders:

1. Your child needs to be active every day

As you may already know exercise keeps the body and heart fit enough to withstand the attacks of viruses and bacteria. It also helps the body produce offensive T-cells that track and kill invading microbes. An expert says, “Go out and exercise with them (your kids) rather than just urging them to ‘go out and play.’” Play throw-and-catch with a ball or Frisbee, race along the beach in your bare feet, ride bicycles, and play soccer. If your schedule permits, an average of one hour of any of these activities per day will do lots of good.

2. Ensure 13 hours of sleep

Research shows that while sleeping, the body relaxes, regenerates and renews worn-out cells. Experts say lack of sleep reduces the production of special proteins called cytokines which combat inflammations, infections and reduces stress.

Researchers also show that sleep deprivation disrupts the functions of special genes that help in digesting food. This may lead to obesity and weaken the heart. This is one of the reasons why toddlers need 13 hours of sleep compared to adults who need between 7 – 8 hours. Help them unleash the wonders of sleep, set and follow routine siestas and bedtime. This can be a challenging task but as Doctor Kathi Kemper, Director at a children’s Hospital in Boston advises, “If your child can’t or won’t take naps during the day, try to put her to bed earlier.” 

3. Make your children not only eat but enjoy fruits and veggies

It’s common knowledge that vegetables and fruits are priceless to our health; it’s even more essential to a child’s developing immune system. Colorful fruits and vegetables like oranges (very rich in vitamin C which fights infections like the common cold), berries, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, apples, grapes, cantaloupe, eggplants, and sweet potatoes (to name a few) contain phytonutrients. These increase the fighting capacity of the immune system.

Fruits like oranges, strawberry, and apples are sweet and more acceptable to children than vegetables like celery and cabbage. Find creative ways to make your children not only eat but enjoy fruits and veggies. Discover lots of healthy homemade recipes that will foster this.

4. Strive to keep infectious diseases at bay

Realistically, you cannot totally keep germs from getting into your children’s bodies. Nevertheless, parents can assist in keeping infectious diseases at bay by paying particular attention to their children’s level of hygiene, for instance, teaching them to form a habit of washing their hands after play as well as before and after meals really helps.

Drinking plenty of water helps to flush out harmful substances from the body.

5. Don’t Abuse Drugs

The benefits of antibiotics cannot be over-emphasized. Yet, like the boring but profound saying goes, too much of anything is bad. Some parents who have experienced the cleansing capacity of antibiotics have become addicts. You know them; ampicillin, amoxicillin, ampiclox and all the others.

Wrong and prolonged use of antibiotics could cause ordinary bacteria to evolve into die-hard microbes that attack and crash your child’s immune system. In fact, they could weaken their immune system directly by attacking the ‘good’ bacteria in the intestines called probiotics. Probiotics are a community of bacteria that maintain body metabolism and the internal lining of the intestinal tract.

These antibiotics may attack friendly bacteria and leave your child’s intestine and immune system open for the ravaging pleasures of unfriendly bacteria. If you think there’s a need for antibiotics, the best alternative remains to consult your doctor.


Minimize the Junk Food.

Did someone ask “why?” Junk foods like a meat pie, chicken pie, fries, chips, and doughnuts, though irresistibly delicious, contain lots of fat and sugar, and excessive intake won’t do your child any good. A renowned researcher, Dr. Linus Pauling, discovered that the structure of Vitamin C looks very much like glucose.

This resemblance makes it possible for glucose to sneak in disguised as Vitamin C which the immune system needs to be able to destroy germ invaders. This study also shows that it takes about 4 to 6 hours for the immune system to regain their Vitamin C strength and launch out to battle. Excess glucose makes your child’s immune system too lazy to defend his body. Do your child a favor; minimize the treats. Give more of healthier foods like fruits as a snack. They’ll satisfy their sweet tooth too.

7. Sweet Honey, Sweet Health

Hey, did you know experts claim that natural honey can destroy at least 60 different types of bacteria, including fungi and viruses? An online review explains that raw honey contains enzymes, bacteria, natural vitamins, and anti-oxidants. From way back, honey has been used as a sweetener, medicine for allergies, and healing ointment for skin wounds. Add a few spoonfuls to your child’s beverage occasionally. 

8. Make use of rich sources of the Omega 3 foods

Coldwater fish, eggs, olive, walnuts, and Sesame are rich sources of Omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids or oils are usually deficient in children because the human body cannot produce fatty acids on its own. They keep the immune system healthy and also suppress the symptoms of autoimmune disorder where parts of the body suddenly start to attack each other resulting in illness. According to Erica Jacques, Omega 3’s can be used to treat inflammatory bowels and arthritis and pieces of evidence are emerging to show that they prevent certain types of cancer like breast and colon cancer.

While you have to be careful not to overdo it, you can use olive oil (arguably the best cooking oil).

9. Vital Vitamins

What are we ever going to do without our vitamins? From Vitamin A down to D, all are important in maintaining your child’s health and fostering growth. Cod Liver Oil, available in most pharmacies, is rich in Vitamin A, honey is rich in Vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6) and Vitamin C. I told you honey was a wonder, didn’t I? Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can be found in fruits and vegetables. White blood cells use it to swallow and terminate invading antigens. These vitamins can also be found in capsule and tablet forms and taken as supplements. Ask your doctor for appropriate prescriptions and dosage.

10. Live. Love. Laugh.

It’s often said that laughter is the best medicine. If you want your child to remain healthy, you must make the home a real home where the children can be comfortable, relax, and be themselves. Studies have shown that when there is love, in terms of holding, hugging, touching, smiling, talking, and having fun, the stress levels of the body fall to the barest minimum.

Also, research shows it’s better to laugh with other people than to laugh alone, so, creating lots of happy family times, fun activities with his peers or other people he loves around also giving your child’s immunity an amazing boost.
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