Our Highly Potent Kefir Grains, has over 50 strains of
active bacteria, Yeast and Subspecies. Our Kefir Grains albeit grown in Kenya
originated from a family in Malta (some 80KM south of Italy).
It's NOT based on kefir powder purchased in chain stores abroad.
When Kefir is processed commercially and sold in
supermarkets only about 9 to 12 strains of bacteria, yeast and subspecies
remain. The best kefir grain for making Kefir drinks are the ones shared by a
friendly neighbor. Moreover, the Grains ought to have been grown with
NON-pasteurized milk.
We make our Kefir milk locally. We
use the best A2 Milk for pasture-fed Jersey cows. This guarantees that you get
the best and most potent Kefir grain ever.
We recommend growing Kefir grains in Dairy milk.
Using coconut and almond milk does NOT guarantee that all
strains of bacteria will remain active.
We sell TWO Teaspoonfuls of Kefir Grains and the user can
grow them by adding milk to the jar and changing it every 24 to 36 hours. In 5
days the Kefir grains will have grown and be able to break down half a liter of
milk into Kefir milk in 24 to 36 hours.
Order your Kefir Grains that have fully adapted to Kenya’s
Tropical Climate
Two Steps to the Best Kefir Milk
Once you get your share of Kefir Grains it’s very easy to
plan how to Make Kefir Milk according to your needs
Step 1: Grow Your Kefir Grains
This is the most important step when you get your Kefir
Grains. Remember the Kefir Grains are nothing more than a colony of good
bacteria, yeast, and subspecies.
You need to grow the Kefir Grain first.
This happens through a symbiotic relationship between the
customer and the colony. The colony is fed with fresh milk. While it’s feeding
on lactic acid in milk.. the colony breaks your milk into easily absorb-able
The larger the colony.. the faster you can turn many liters
of milk into Kefir milk in the shortest time possible.
From 10 grams (two teaspoonfuls) of Kefir Grain, you can grow
it to half a kilo in a month by frequently changing milk every 24 to 36 hours.
Step 2: Make Kefir Milk
To get the best Kefir milk, add your grown Kefir Grains
colony to fresh milk and make sure to stir every EIGHT hours. Most Importantly
keep the Kefir Grain + Milk content under low temperatures.
Most people Overwork the Kefir Grain by adding warm milk.
Eventually, the Kefir Grain dies out and one has to start all over again.
It’s recommended to use a cooler with temperatures
between 6 and 18 degrees. That said, the results can be achieved by
putting the Kefir Grain milk preparation Jar in a cooler box.. then
periodically adding ice cubes or cooled water to keep the temperature down.
Why Kefir? Because Your Gut Microbiome Influences Every Aspect of Your Health
In formal school, we were taught bacteria (loosely, germs)
are bad. Germs cause diseases, we should wash our hands, observe general
hygiene and so on.
What they didn’t emphasize is that we have good and
bad bacteria.
The importance of Good Bacteria is so critical such that, without it we would not last for long
The human digestive system is inhabited by trillions of
microorganisms, collectively referred to as the gut microbiome.
The gut or alimentary canal from mouth, food pipe, stomach,
small intestines, large instestines to the anal opening is inhabited by
trillions of microorganisms, collectively referred to as the gut microbiome.
The microbiome society consists of a balance of beneficial
bacteria and harmful ones called pathogens.
The good bacteria for example produces negative grams which
are harmful to pathogens.
Other micro organisms in the gut are neutral, neither
harmful nor offering any benefit to our bodies.
Did you know, that any part in our body that has mucous
membrane is inhabited by good bacteria that keep guard to steer away any
pathogens from entering our bodies.
Mucous membranes line many tracts and structures of the
body, including the mouth, nose, eyelids, trachea (windpipe) and lungs, stomach
and intestines, and the ureters, urethra, and urinary bladder.
When we use antibacterial drugs we kill both good and bad
when we use antiseptic soaps we kill both good and bad
It’s a no-brainer therefore that we need to constantly
replenish our bodies with good bacteria from time to time.
Sources of Microbes to Replenish Our Bodies
Traditionally, our ancestors used to eat fermented foods
like traditionally fermented milk, traditionally fermented porridge, and other
community-specific fermented foods like Mursik
In the industrialization age, food has gone commercial and
traditional methods of food preparation have been phased out to more chemically
and mechanically driven methods that would fill up millions of bottles in a short
Industrialization has not been without a cost.. most of
which is a great deal to our health. Today if you purchase fermented porridge it's
loaded with artificial chemicals mimicking citric acid to give the porridge a
sour taste.
Traditional porridge was cultured naturally by bacteria,
which resulted to introducing beneficial bacteria to our ancestor's guts through
and through.
Yogurt has one to three strains of beneficial bacteria,
which is a big gap from the tens if not hundreds of bacteria strains that our
ancestors benefited from in their conservative food preparation methods.
Introducing Kefir Drink made with Kefir Grains – Now in Kenya
There are two types of Kefir drinks:
- Commercially
produced kefir drink in supermarkets – has about 5 to 9 strains of good
- Traditionally
homemade Kefir Drink – like the Kefir Grains we offer has
35 to 60 strains of bacteria, yeast, and subspecies...
Scores of Scientific papers have been published to show the
benefits of Kefir and Kefir microbes in the following issues: Allergies, Autoimmunity, Bone Health, Brain Function, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease,
Type 1 and 2 Diabetes, Gastrointestinal Health, Immunity, Obesity, Skin Health,
Thyroid Disorders.
Order Kefir Grains Today: 10 grams Traditiona Active Kefir Grains: Kes. 2,000 +Transport charges to your area/location Confirm your order Today: nevine@varsityscope.com