Duties and Responsibilities of School Principals (+Deputy)

Duties and Responsibilities of School Principals (+Deputy)


a) Is the Accounting Officer of the school.
b) Is to set standards and targets of activities for the school.
c) Controls the finances of the school.

d) Maintains the school infrastructure and facilities.
e) Plans, develops and monitors curricular and co-curricular activities of the school.
f) Maintains discipline among staff and students of the school.

g) Ensures the keeping of statutory records of the school, adhere strictly to the approved admission and transfer list from the Ministry of Education and approves issuance of testimonials and certificates.
h) Supervises the proper completion of entry schedule of approved external examinations.

i) Monitors the performance of his Deputy Principal and Deputy-Principals.
j) Should be conversant with Government policies and regulations as they affect the school system.
k) Is to endorse all incoming and outgoing correspondences for action.

l) Maintains a functional and cordial relationship with the school community, School Management Committee, Old Students’ Association and other critical stakeholders.
m) Shall provide job description for all supporting staff.
n) Shall teach minimum of six periods per week.


a) Takes charge of the school in the absence of the Principal.
b) Keeps the Admission Registers, issues Transfer Certificates and testimonials, with strict supervision and monitoring of the school principal, being the Accounting Officer of the school. The principal reserves the rights to withdraw those two vital documents from the custody of the Deputy Principal (Administration) if not properly handled and accounted for.

c) Keeps and monitors the staff attendance register and staff movement book.
d) Prepares weekly duty roster for the staff and ensures that the duties are carried out by staff. Weekly reports of the duty carried out within the week must be written by the coordinator of the week and submitted to the Deputy Principal (Administration).

e) prepares statistical data and makes necessary returns to the appropriate quarters.
f) Presides over the Disciplinary Committee and also ensures that a high standard of discipline is maintained among teachers and students.
g) Takes charge of teachers’ and Students’ welfare.

h) Ensures that the Students’ Representative meetings are held regularly and resolutions at the meetings are passed to the Principal.
i) Acts as the second signatory to the school accounts.
j) Appoints the class teachers in consultation with the school principal and monitors the proper keeping of attendance registers.

k) Assists the Principal in attending to general correspondence.
l) Monitors the performance of the non-teaching staff.

m) Takes charge of non-academic co-curricular activities.
n) Performs any other duties that may be assigned to him/her by the Principal.
o) Teaches a minimum of eight periods per week.


a) Assists the Principal in key day to day running of the school in academic matters.
b) Ensures that up-to-date schemes of work are available in the various subjects.
c) Prepares in consultation with the Principal, the allocation of subjects to all teachers.

d) Prepares the school Time-Table with the assistance of the time-table committee.
e) marks the lesson notes of the H.O.Ds and ensures that the H.O.Ds mark the lesson notes of the teachers under them.
f) Monitors teachers’ performance in the teaching of their subjects and checks the lesson missed registers regularly.
g) Ensures that the weekly record of work is written in the diaries and checked at the end of the week.

h) Presides over the Examination Committee, ensures that periodic tests are given, marked, recorded and kept.
i) Maintains up-to-date statistical records on academic matters.
j) Takes charge of subject oriented co-curricular activities e.g. (subject associations).

k) Holds regular meetings with Year Tutors and H.O.Ds with Principal’s approval to discuss academic matters, minutes of which shall be passed to the Principal within three days.
l) Assists in the general discipline of both staff and students.

m) Acts as one of the three signatories to the school accounts.
n) Acts as the Chairman of the speech and prize-giving day committee.
o) Carries out other duties assigned to him/her by the Principal.
p) Teaches a minimum of eight periods per week.


a) Takes full charge of the school tone and ensures a conducive learning and teaching situation at all times.
b) Ensures that all physical infrastructures of the school are constantly checked and maintained.
c) Constantly ensures that the waste generated by the school is properly managed and disposed from time to time. The general hygiene and water supplies to the school fall within the purview of the Vice-Principal (Special Duties) with the support of the school principal.

d) All repairs necessary to be carried out within the school should be to the knowledge of the vice principal (special duties) who in turn notifies the school principal.
e) External invitational activities must be supervised and monitored by him.
f) Ensures that social events and activities of the school are strengthened and reinforced.

g) Supports the other two vice-principals from time to time as directed by the school principal.
h) Though, the principal is the chief security of the school, he does this with the constant support from the Deputy-Principal (Special Duties).

i) He acts as a liaison officer between the school and the Sub-County on matters of requests.
j) Supports the other two vice-principals on issues relating to both academic and co-curricular.
k) He performs any other duties assigned to him/her by the principal.
l) Teaches a minimum of eight periods per week.

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