
5 Steps on how to do Onion Farming

5 Steps on how to do Onion Farming

Onion Farming in Kenya is now a common phenomenon in the region. With the new technologies, various ways of doing onions are now in place.

Types of Onions

Bulb Onions

Red creole, Bombay red, Texas Early Grano (white), Red Pinoy, Red passion F1, Tropical F1, Orient F1, Silvan F1, BGS 130, Flare F1, Red snack, Ruby F1, Red nice F1.

Spring Onions

Spring green bunching, white Lisbon, American flag, Italian giant.

Basic Requirements for Onion farming in Kenya

Based on the onion variety and the geographical location where farming is set to take place. Onions have a set of minimum requirements such as; Altitude of 2000 m above sea level, an average temperature of above 16 C, and a Soil PH of not below 6.

5 Steps on how to do Onion Farming

1.       Onions Propagation

Onions seedbed should be prepared at least two to three weeks before the actual sowing of the seeds. Also, these depend on the variety of the onions

The bed’s capacity requirements also depend on the volume of the onions to be planted in respect to the acreage available.

The seedbed should at least be 1 – 1.5 m higher with a spacing of 10 – 15 cm for the onions

In addition to the preparation of the beds fertilizers should be added and mixed at this point. The choice of fertilizer to use is advised based on soil testing reports. After establishing the nutrients need of the soil.

2.       Onions Transplanting period

From the nursery, the maximum time for onions to mature is 5 to 6 weeks at this time the height of the onions is approximately 10 to 15cm. They are ready for transplanting. Before uprooting them the nursery beds should be watered adequately to avoid damaging the roots while in the process. They are then transferred to the main field where its planted on the beds prepared. The beds should be 1-1.5m broad. Row-to-row spacing of 25 -30 cm and seedling-to-seedling spacing of 15cm

Most farmers use drip irrigation as the main farming method in the main field, Aqua Hub Kenya provides the best solutions for onions drip kit per acre and the price of 1-acre drip irrigation for onions in Kenya.

3.       Onions Irrigation

Aqua Hub Kenya comes in handy to provide irrigation methods for onion farming. We offer the following methods;

  • Drip Irrigation
  • Rain Hose Irrigation

Drip Irrigation Kit for Onions by Aqua Hub, Kenya


  • Main Piping & Sub Main Pipes
  • Tank Connection & Control units per block
  • Filtration units (Using Irrigation Water filters)
  • Drip Lines and its Assorted connectors)

Drip Irrigation Kit Prices for Onions

Size / Acreage

No. of Lines per bed

Cost in Ksh:

1/8 th ( 500 sq.m)

3 Lines per bed


1/4 th (1000 sq.m)

3 Lines per bed


1/2 ( 2000 sq.m)

3 Lines per bed


1 Acre (4000sq.m)

3 Lines per bed




  • Main Piping & Sub Main Pipes
  • Irrigation Designs
  • Rain Hose Pipes
  • Rain Hose Pipes fittings

Rain Hose Pipes Price in Kenya




32mm ( 1 Inch)

100 m


40 mm ( 1, 1/4 Inch)

100 m


50 mm ( 1, 1/2 Inch)

100 m


How profitable is Onion Farming in Kenya?

Onion Farming is a profitable venture. Estimated production per acre is up to 15 Tonnes which when sold at the market prices the farmers will break even.

4.       Onion Harvesting Procedure

Onions takes 4-5 months to be ready for harvesting. During harvesting carefully pull or dig onions up from the ground with the top part intact. Gently shake off the soil around the bulbs.

5.       Drying & Storage of Onions

Onions should be dried on a clean surface by spreading them evenly to avoid moisture. They should be dried until the neck is dried completely and the outer skin peels off. Then cut off the neck and store them at room temperature and in a dry bag or wire mesh.

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