Top Highest Paid Programming Languages in 2025

Top Highest Paid Programming Languages in 2023

When you look at super-rich guys like Bill Gates, Larry Ellison (Oracle), Mark Zuckerberg, the two dudes who launched Atlassian, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Elon Musk, Max Levchin (Paypal programming genius), etc. what do they have in common?

They know programming.

I have three multimillionaire friends: what do they have in common?

They know programming.

As computers perform more and more functions in our economy (and we're not even talking about AI, which is going to be a major disruptor of every single industry and profession), those who can program or, at least, master computational thinking, will have a DEFINITE edge over those who don't or can't.

It's as if the old divide between the "have" and "have not" will now be replaced by a new divide: the "code" and "code not."

But what is computer programming exactly? And why is it important to learn programming ASAP?

Wikipedia defines "computer programming" as "the process of designing and building an executable computer program to accomplish a specific computing result or to perform a specific task."

The big question is, "Can you program your computer so that it does part of your daily work for you?"

Using productivity applications like Word, Excel, PowerPoint or, if you're online, Google documents, is great, but can you program your computer to do MORE work?

For example, I can create scripts that will automatically send emails to specific people (clients, suppliers, investors, Linkedin connections, etc.) at specific times and dates in the future. I can also use Python to send customized emails to thousands of people.

All of this can be done with a few lines of code.

My point is, everyone should be able to TELL their computers exactly what to do and let it do the work -- so we can have more free time to spend with family and friends, or doing our favorite activity.

The problem is that most schools (from high school onward) do not teach computer skills to students, let alone computational thinking.

As a result, most people may use a personal computer every day, but they have no idea of the quasi-infinite power residing inside their computers.

Your laptop is capable of performing incredible feats of computation and do massive amounts of work, but it must receive your wishes and commands.

But until and unless you learn programming (Python and Auto hotkey are the two easiest programming languages I recommend to start with), the awesome power of your computer will not be visible to you nor used and leveraged by you to generate economic value and commercial profit.

Yes, it is possible to create a commercial software program WITHIN ONE DAY, that is precisely what I'm teaching in my programming workshop.

But first, as Master Yoda, astutely observed, "You must unlearn what you have learned."

You must let go of the limiting belief that "you can't learn computer programming" or that "it is too technical or difficult."

Since 2010, I've taught myself how to think computationally and how to design and write software programs, and I can tell you that it's not rocket science.

But it is scientific in the sense that if you proceed step by step in learning a programming language, there is NO LIMIT to how far you can go.

The personal computer or PC was and still is the greatest power in the world economy. (No school or teacher ever told you that fact, and so I hope that this article will open your eyes to the awesome and quasi-infinite power of computers).

Why work so hard when you can program your computer to work hard for you?

In a future article, I'll write about how my new software company, Kelami, will create software-based courses that will replace me as a digital marketing teacher. It will teach Email Marketing, Project Management and Online Marketing Research, three courses that I'm currently teaching at TAV College (

However, no matter how powerful a computer is, it MUST be told what to do so it can serve you. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In a way, a computer is incredibly stupid and totally lacks commonsense. But it compensates by being EXTREMELY obedient, ultrafast and endowed with perfect memory.

This means that you only have to tell it (through a programming language) exactly what to do, step by step, and it will obey you 100% and do the required work flawlessly, every single time!

It is your opportunity to make the first crucial steps in the vast and profitable world of computer programming so that you can unleash the power of computers in order to rapidly advance in your career or build your business in a robust and sustainable manner.

Top Highest Paid Programming Languages in 2025


Python is among the most used and in-demand programming languages in 2023 and still is on top of the charts in 2025. According to Octoparse (2021), Python is a programming language that is widely used for general-purpose programming.  

A noteworthy aspect to talk about with Python is that it gives emphasis on code readability and a syntax allowing developers to display their program in fewer lines of code as compared to other programming languages.  

The average annual pay of a Python developer is: $107,311 (average is based on Indeed & Glassdoor Job postings with the help of multiple sources). 

C is one of the programming languages that many programmers are well-versed and familiar with, probably because this is also among the oldest of the programming languages. Notably, this was once used by Apple for their iOS operating systems.  

The average annual pay of a C developer is: $86,296 (average is based on Indeed & Glassdoor Job postings with the help of multiple sources). 


Slightly similar to Python with regard to general-purpose programming, C++ is another programming language included in the list. It provides facilities for low-level memory manipulation.  

The average annual pay of a C++ developer is: $96,371 (average is based on Indeed & Glassdoor Job postings with the help of multiple sources). 


Developed by Google, Go is an open-source programming language that was built primarily for speed.  

While having a peculiar error handling, it makes up for its effectivity despite the unusual way of handling error. It has up to date libraries built for more efficient coding and programming within the language. 

Go is among the fastest programming languages in 2025.  

The average annual pay of a Go developer is: $105,078 (average is based on Indeed & Glassdoor Job postings with the help of multiple sources). 


Ruby belongs to the most in-demand and highest paid programming languages in 2025. It is an open-source programming language that is dynamic and is built on simplicity and productivity. 

Its syntax is elegant making coding a much more natural and seamless process and also making the code easy to read and write. 

The average annual pay of a Ruby developer is: $117,868 (average is based on Indeed & Glassdoor Job postings with the help of multiple sources). 


Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the globe. Java is built specifically for client-server web applications with about 9 million developers making use of the language.  

Java is the main language used behind Android, and owns about 85% of the mobile market. While several sources saying that it is typically harder to learn than Python, it is relatively easier than C or C++. 

The average annual pay of a Java developer is: $94,502 (average is based on Indeed & Glassdoor Job postings with the help of multiple sources). 


Along HTML and CSS, JavaScript covers a portion of the core technologies in the World Wide Web production.  

JavaScript is used to make webpages interactive and more inclusive of a variety of programs like video games. While many people misconstrue JavaScript and Java as the same programming language, they are different. 

The average annual pay of a JavaScript developer is: $107,384 (average is based on Indeed & Glassdoor Job postings with the help of multiple sources). 


PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development but in some instances, it is also used for general-purpose programming.  

PHP can be embedded into HTML and is extremely user-friendly for new developers. While PHP is particularly easy to learn, it does not shy away from advanced features for more experienced programmers in the language. 

The average annual pay of a PHP developer is: $102,717 (average is based on Indeed & Glassdoor Job postings with the help of multiple sources). 


Based on our research, Ruby takes first place for the highest-paid programming jobs for 2025, but don’t just take our word for it. There are other factors that naturally come into play such as experience, soft skills, seniority, etc.  

Software developers have been in high demand and the trend doesn’t show any signs of slowing down any time soon. So, whichever programming language you choose or are interested in, there is always enough choices and room for everyone.  

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