
How to Start (Fried) Fish Selling Business in Kenya

How to Start (Fried) Fish Selling Business in Kenya

Kenya is home to distinct geographic and climate regions, and resources such as the Indian Ocean coastline, large rivers, and Lake Victoria, which is the largest freshwater lake in the continent. These resources contribute to the abundance of an array of aquatic species in Kenya, and this favors both large and small-scale fish farming in Kenya.

The fish farming business has become a major source of income for several Kenyan households. There are numerous fish farms across the country that were established for commercial purposes. 

The market value and the demand for fish in Kenya is always high. The fish business is very profitable in Nairobi. There are several people in Nairobi, who have doctor’s orders not to eat red meat. These people have resorted to eating fish or chicken, and because of these people, the demand for fish is high. 

Some areas in Nairobi that are perfect for a fish business include: 

  • Kibera.
  • Embakasi.
  • Kayole.
  • Ngara. 
  • Westlands.
  • Langata.

Your fish business will also thrive in the Nairobi city center, especially at the city market, and the Muthurwa Market.

Fish is a perishable good, so it needs to be kept in a fridge for it to stay fresh for a long time. The average cost of getting a fridge in Kenya is about Ksh. 20,000. 

The average cost of starting a fish business in Kenya is about Ksh. 40,000. If your fish business is located somewhere in Nairobi, you will make a lot of profit. You can make a profit of Ksh. 3,000 to Ksh. 8,000, if your fresh shop is in Nairobi.

Selling Fried Fish Business in Kenya

A person who owns a fish business can start selling fried fish. Adding fried fish to your products is a great way to attract customers to your fish business. Selling fried fish can also get you more profits.

Where to Sell Fish in Kenya

Some of the best places to sell fish in Kenya are located in Nairobi. Places like:

  • Kibera.
  • Embakasi.
  • Kayole.
  • Ngara. 
  • Westlands.
  • Langata.

You can also sell your fish at the Nairobi city center, especially at the city market, and the Muthurwa Market.

How to Start a Fish Business in Kenya

Starting a fish farming business in Kenya gives you a promising future. The first thing you need to do is pick a good location. You need to consider if you’re in a suitable area for a fish business. It is important that you are also in compliance with the state and local laws. 

When choosing a location for your fish business, you have to consider space. You will need enough space for your office, inventory storage, staff, and a place for equipment storage. 

Once you have decided the location that you have chosen is a suitable place for you to start your fish business, then you can move on to the next step in starting your fish business in Kenya. 

You will need to learn as much as you can about the fish business in Kenya. You can visit several fish farms, or you can find your resources online. There are numerous websites that talk about everything you need to know about aquaculture. You should learn about the pros and cons of the fish business in Kenya.

If you are looking forward to starting a small or large business, you need to save up money for your start-up capital. It will be good for you if you start small if you do not have a lot of experience in the industry. You can always ask other experienced fish farming business owners for advice.

A partnership business has many benefits. You can raise more funds faster if you have a partnership business. You should consider asking a friend who has more experience in the industry to be your partner. 

In a partnership business, you share liabilities. If you do not have enough funds for your fish farming business, you can apply for a business loan, but if you do not qualify for a business loan, you can raise funds for your business in some other ways. Some other ways you can earn more money for your business are:

  • Selling your valuables. 
  • Ask your friends or relatives.
  • Government funding.
  • Borrowing against your property.

The next step is advertising and selling your products. Your marketing success depends on how active you are in informing your target audience about your new business. Having a good connection with local businesses will be helpful. There are several ways to advertise your fish farm at a very low cost. Some ways you can advertise your fish farming business are:

  • Using social media platforms.
  • Forms of media like newspapers, a local radio station, flyers, etc.

You can place your farm on a busy road and place signage where people can see it. The signage should inform people about your fish business, its products, and services.

Some benefits of starting a fish farming business in Kenya are:

  • You will barely have difficult times since the climate and geographical conditions of Kenya are perfect for fish farming activities.
  • Kenya has a lot of different fish species. Hence, you can choose from the most profitable species.
  • Kenya always has a high demand for fish and fish products. This means that your fish can fetch good market prices.
  • The fish farming business is a good source of income considering the current high rate of unemployment in Kenya.

Fish Farming in Kenya Business Plan

Before you start any business, you will need a well-detailed plan. Your fish farming business plan should contain all the necessary information about your company structure, your budgets, and expenses, anticipated investments, and the expected return on your investment. 

You should take your time to consider all the possible expenses and be sure to include them in your fish farming business plan. Determine the things you will require for your fish farming business, like the number of staff, the equipment, and supplies, funds, and other things. 

You will need your fish farming business plan to register your business, either as a corporation or a proprietorship. A well-detailed business plan will help you get more investors and partners. You can use your fish farming business plan to apply for loans and government grants. 

It is advisable to contact a business attorney or consultant to help you with acquiring the necessary permits and paperwork. 

A fish farming business is a very profitable business in Kenya. The market value and the demand for fish in Kenya is always high. Fish farms in Kenya have made a significant contribution to the economy and the nutritional demands of the country.

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