How to register as an Engineer in Kenya

How to register as an Engineer in Kenya

The Institution of Engineers of Kenya (IEK) is a learned society for engineers and its responsible welfare and development of engineers in Kenya. It however has professional roles, the IEK chairman gets an automatic seat on the EBK board, and IEK organizes training to prepare graduates for professional registration, these are not mandatory, and anybody who wishes to attend them pays for himself.

EBK was created by the Engineers Act 2011 and is a statutory body for the regulation of the engineering profession in Kenya. Through the same Act, they now got powers to accredit engineering degree programs offered in both private and public universities in Kenya.

Application Procedure for registration as a graduate engineer

To register as a graduate engineer one needs to have undertaken and passed an engineering degree programme accredited by EBK, then proceed to apply as follows:

• Fill in the Application Form available on the EBK website.

• Attach the required documents certified by the Commissioner of Oaths. These documents include a copy of the Degree Certificate and other relevant academic certificates, a Copy of the KCSE Certificate, a Copy of the National Identity Card (ID), and; two coloured passport photos.

• Applicant should deposit Kshs. 1,000.00 for the application fee at EBK’s Bank Account with details as provided.

• Drop your application together with the Bank Slip at the Customer Information Desk.

• After the Bank Slip has been receipted, you will be given an acknowledgment letter showing that you have applied as a Graduate Engineer and your application is waiting for processing by the Board.

• The Board will approve/reject the application; the applicant will be sent a letter indicating that his/her application has been approved/rejected.

• The applicants whose applications are approved will thereafter be issued with Registration Certificates.

From EBK, then proceed to register with IEK as a graduate member one will be required to download and fill the forms from IEK website and submit them to the Institution.    For graduate members, the process requires EBK certificate for graduate engineer registration and submission of other required documents as listed in the website. No interview is required for those applying to be graduate members.

To apply as a professional engineer

1. Ensure that you meet the following qualifications:

• Registered with EBK as a Graduate Engineer;

• Have at least 3  years working experience from the date of graduation;

• Have worked under supervision of a Professional Engineer.

• Be a member of IEK

2. Fill in the Application Form; available on the EBK  website

3. Attach the documents listed below:

• Certified copy of Degree Certificate and other relevant academic certificates;

• Certified copy of National Identity Card (ID)/ Passport;

• EBK Graduate Engineer Certificate;

• IEK Membership Certificate or Receipt of application;

• Curriculum Vitae (CV) certified by one of the referees;

• Two coloured passport photos.

4. Applicant should deposit KShs. 1,500/= application fee at EBK’s Bank Account.

5. Drop your application together with the Bank Slip at the Customer Information Desk.

6. After all the documents are received, the Board will do administrative review of the documents and if there are any deficiencies the Secretariat will advise the applicant accordingly.

7. The Board will contact the nominated referees.  Upon receiving at least two responses, the application will be forwarded to the chairman of the panel of the respective discipline for technical evaluation.

8. The Panel will do a technical evaluation and present their recommendations to the Board for approval of submission of professional interview documents.

9. The Board will notify the applicant in writing the approval to sit for the professional interview and forward to them the notes and rules on the conduct of the professional interview.

10. The applicant should prepare, submit and sit for his / her professional interview within (1) one year from the date of notification.

11. After the applicant has sat for the professional interview, the recommendations will be forwarded to the Board for deliberations and ratifications.

12. The applicant will be notified in writing of the Board’s recommendations and thereafter a certificate of registration will be issued to successful applicants.

Referees and supervisors

o Needs three referees who  must be very explicit   on the recommendations supporting the candidate’s readiness  for registration

o Two must be from the profession of the applicant’s profession

o Need to have a registered engineer as a supervisor

o It is possible to look for a supervisor among registered engineers.

Professional Interview (PI) Documents

The applicant will be given guidelines on how to prepare PI documents but you may note the following:-

These are two documents to be submitted in 3 copies are:-

i) Training and experience report and

ii) Project Report


In the preliminary, take care of the following:-

i) Take note of the cover page,

ii) Declaration must be made by the candidate that the report correctly describes his/her training and experience gained in the course of his duties.

iii) Certification by supervisor that the report submitted correctly describes training and experience gained by the candidate under his supervision

This training and experience report is done in two parts as follows

i) Summary of Training and Experience to be prepared in matrix form as below and suitably in portrait format.





DURATION in Months

§ The matrix data will start from time at the University and will include any attachments and training received during the period.  Change of employer, position or station will require a separate row. Supervisors must be indicated by name. There should be no gaps in time and the entire period from entry to University to date must be accounted for.

§ At the end of the matrix, show total duration

§ The matrix must show appropriately the training received which should be at least 24 months.

A table showing Summary of time spent is required following the matrix:

• Engineering Education-     months

• Training months

• Design months

• Construction months

• Customer service months

• Project  Management months

TOTAL months

Total Duration (months) should be the same as on the matrix.

The second part is

2.0 Detailed Training and Experience Report

The candidate will expand on each items covered in the summary of training and experience report giving a paragraph or so on each row covered. This is presented in paragraph form to explain training and experience gained.


• Project reported should not be more than 5 years old

• A purely academic project is not acceptable

• Attention to cover page, title of project

• Declaration by the applicant is required declaring that the project is his work carried out in the course of  his /her duties

• Certification is also required from the supervisor certifying that the project was done by the candidate under his supervision.

• The application can be made to both IEK and  EBK

• It is possible to get a supervisor from other professional engineers

Specific on the project

a. Show  Problem statement necessitating the project

b. Discuss possible solutions and come up with a preferred solution

c. Analyse the current situation

d. Design the preferred solution

e. Show design calculations,

e. Drawings,

f. Bill of quantities

g. Implementation

h. Cost-benefit analysis


At the interview, candidate will be required to explain his training and experience, present his/her project and answer questions from the panellists. The candidate is expected to bring along a copy of his/her reports and some writing material to take notes during the interview. Candidates below 45 years of age will be required to write a 2 hour (hr) essay on a topic to be advised by the panel.


a. Applicants whose documents have shortcomings are invited for discussions where these shortcomings are brought to their attention and are advised to improve on their reports.

b. For those who have not achieved adequate training and experience, they are advised to seek attachment with suitable firms to get relevant experience.


Based on how well the candidate prepares and presents his/her reports, the candidate will be marked out of the following in the respective areas of submission.

• Training and experience report- (10 marks)

• Calculations  (15 marks)

• Drawings (10 marks)

• Bills of Quantities (5 marks)

• Interview  presentation (50 marks)

• Essay  for young candidates  –those below 45 years ( 10 marks)

Professional Interview Preparation (PIP) Seminars

Professional Interview Preparation Seminars are organised by IEK to assist those wishing to become Corporate Members of IEK and to register as Professional Engineers. The seminars are one day and are held twice a year. Those wishing to attend can look out for announcements around February/March for seminar in April, June, July or August.


Through MoU’s with the Engineering Boards and Institutions in the Eastern Africa, It is possible to have registration in any East African countries and have it recognized in Kenya.

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