How To Pick the Best Lotion When Shopping

How To Pick the Best Lotion When Shopping

Body lotions come in all shapes. Shower body lotions, tanning lotions, or lotions made specifically for dry, aging skin. Then there are winter and summer varieties. The diversity of lotion types is attributed to different skin types. While some of us have dry skin, others have oily or combination. Regardless of the type, the product makes an essential component of a daily regime.

A lotion is a topical preparation. It is less viscous than creams or body gels. Chemically, lotions are oil-in-water emulsions. The light-weight versions may be water-in-oil combinations. The scented body treatments contain scented agents dispersed in the water part. Lotions provide deep moisturization. Their ingredients get absorbed into the innermost layers delivering the desired effects.

Body lotions are pleasurable and delightful of all beauty-care items. If you are not in the habit of using a body lotion, read on to know the many benefits of its application. The subject article will also give you a sneak peek at how to choose the best body lotion.


Your arms and legs get exposed more frequently to:

  • the sun rays
  • environmental pollutants
  • harsh weather
  • friction from our clothing

This can cause wrinkles, discoloration, sagging, and irritation. It creates a beauty havoc.

The result; our surface layer becomes sunburned, dehydrated, cracked, and scaly.

The solution? Take Care of your body in the same manner as you care for your face.

Let us see how its regular application helps our covering.

  • locks in moisturizer and keeps skin soft and supple
  • soothes texture by healing scales and dryness
  • retains tan and adds a glow
  • delivers a natural scent to your body
  • replenishes hydration to dry and rough spots
  • helps smooth calluses
  • gentle massage enhances circulation
  • helps induce a relaxed state by alleviating pain and aches
  • some cosmetic versions contain color or shimmer that adds a hint of color and glow to your covering
  • regular use wards off the early signs of aging
  • body lotion acts as a protective barrier against sunlight and other pollutants

Skin is the largest organ of our body. It shows signs of ill-health from inside out. Whichever brand you apply, make sure it complements your skin type. It should also act as an adjunct to a beautiful glowing layer.

Some facts about skin type and moisturization

You must have noticed that your skin's requirements change around the year. Fluctuating seasons impact us too. It is because the skin is a living organ. It continuously changes.

The moisturizing routines adjust with the change in the environment as well.

Body lotions comprise different active ingredients depending on the type of skin.

These trivial aspects are important to consider while selecting the best moisturizer.

As a general rule,

  • Moisturize along with sun protection. A lotion with SPF 30 ensures to safeguard your body against harmful sun rays. The anti-oxidants in a lotion acts as an adjunct to healthy skin.
  • The nighttime moisturizer should contain repair ingredients. Vitamins, amino acids, and minerals.
  • Use a body lotion with a hypoallergenic label. Such products seldom cause an allergic reaction.
  • Our body contains pores all over. The density of these pores is different in different parts. That is why few body parts are more prone to dryness than others. These include hands, feet, elbows, knees, and shins. So moisturize these areas with a lotion containing emollients; squalene or shea butter.
  • Opt for a lighter moisturizer for the daytime. Use the heavier version at night.
  • A dense lotion for the overall body.
  • Go for light-weight, hydrating moisturizers for summer months.
  • It is a fact that our skin texture changes with age. Young people have supple texture while our skin becomes less elastic and weary as we age. So it is important to keep in mind texture and type while selecting the best body lotion.

Skin texture is dependent on:

  • the amount of water
  • the oil content
  • sensitivity

All three factors determine the elasticity and softness of your skin. The best body lotion should balance the equation between all three factors. Five skin types and their corresponding type of body lotions are as follows:

  1. Normal skin

The normal type is a healthier version. With an even tone, it boasts a radiant complexion. Few visible pores and no signs of breakouts. It is less prone to allergic reactions because of almost no sensitivity.

The best thing about normal type is that you can use any kind of body moisturizer. Make sure it contains hydrating agents as ceramide and hyaluronic acid. It should be light and non-greasy. A body lotion with skin proteins helps maintain tone and texture. Normal variety also benefits from ingredients like Vitamin A and E. Natural extracts like aloe Vera, cucumber and coconut do wonders for normal skin.

  1. Oily skin

This skin type is a complicated one. A dull shiny and thick texture defines this type. The enlarged pores make it prone to acne, blackheads and other blemishes. This type presents complications in extreme weather and humid conditions. Shiny and glossy, oily; it can be a real mess.

Oily skin does not need moisturizer. Well, that is a myth. Usually, people with oily skin tend to over-cleanse their casing. The result is a casing without any moisturizer. The trick is to opt for a lightweight non-greasy formula. It should be non-comedogenic. Products with aloe vera and cucumber extracts work great on oily texture.

Body lotion with vitamin A and E keeps oily type soft, supple and moisturized all day long. Jojoba oil and Shea butter help ward off shiny gloss from oily surface. Some natural extracts like neem extract help protect against eruptions and skin irritations. Similarly, body formula with almond extracts is non-greasy and non-sticky. It keeps the protective layer soft, radiant and hydrated.

  1. Sensitive skin

Sensitive variety is red, and itchy. There may be patches of dryness. These burn upon the application of certain skincare products. 

For sensitive version, go for a hypoallergenic version of body lotion. A moisturizer with fewer ingredients is the best. If possible, select a fragrance-free body ointment. Stay away from products that contain alpha-hydroxy acids, glycolic acid, retinoic acid, and salicylic acid in case of sensitive skin.

For red itchy situations, try a body lotion with pramoxine hydrochloride. The ingredient has a calming effect.

  1. Dry skin

This type features a dull complexion. There are no visible open pores. The tone is not even and is prone to patchy areas and inflammation. Rough and less elastic.

Dry skin starts showing the telltale signs of aging early. Such a casing gets harsh battering when exposed to extreme conditions as wind, sun, and cold. Indoor heating and long hot baths may add to the dryness. Aesthetic procedures like tanning may leave your dry skin parched.

For such a skin, it is imperative to select cosmetics and skin-care items with diligence and care. Say no to scented body lotion. Do not buy any product with alpha-hydroxy acids, glycolic acid, retinoic acid, and salicylic acid. Avoid products with alcohol in it for dry skin.

Body lotion for dry type should be heavy-duty. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid and dimethicone. This upkeep the hydration levels. Other ingredients for dry skin include glycerin, propylene glycol, proteins, and urea. They act as humectants, attracting water into the skin. Lanolin, mineral oil, and petrolatum help lock-in moisture.

Another beneficial ingredient for dry surface is ceramide. It helps absorbs water and retain it too. A body lotion with ceramide restores lost lipids and rev up the hydration game.

For dry skin, antioxidants play a vital role in replenishing. Dry version loses its ability to keep moisture. With the loss of rejuvenation ability, the skin fails to bounce back and regain a smooth texture. Antioxidants help skin recuperate. Look for:

  • Green tea extract
  • grape extract
  • resveratrol
  • vitamin C, vitamin E
  • epigallocatechin-3 gallate
  • superoxide dismutase
  • ferulic acid
  • quercetin
  • Willowherb extract
  • feverfew extract
  • licorice extract

The benefits of emollients for dry skin are numerous. They lubricate the outward. Skin gains a soft, smooth and silky look. Go for non-fragrant plant oils. Some of them include:

  • Shea butter
  • cocoa butter
  • fatty acids
  • borage oil
  • linoleic acid
  • oleic acid
  • coconut oil
  • evening primrose oil
  • sunflower oil
  • mango butter

Last but not least, select a body lotion with a broad-spectrum label. SPF 30 delivers ample sun protection.

  1. Acne-prone skin

Acne and blemishes remain the most-resistant and stubborn of all skin problems. If you have acne prone texture, particularly your back, you need to take extra care.

Application of body care products containing salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide are the main forts against acne. Body lotions must contain BHA 2%. A lightweight, non-greasy and non-comedogenic formula works best for acne-prone skin. A big NO to fragrance, please.

The latest trends in body lotions

Today’s life is fast-paced. Even the wealthiest of us are time-poor. Going through lengthy beauty regimes is difficult. With the arrival of social media platforms and surge of selfie culture, body image has become the fad. Beautiful, glowing arms and moisturized tanned legs define beauty and glamour.

That is why we see a parallel surge in the skincare regimes that cater to casing down your chin too. Body lotions with fragrance are another luxurious add-on to our self-care accessories. The beauty protocols are at all-new levels with different kinds of skincare items. Lotions, creams, serums, and gels have evolved to make us smoother, shinier and healthy.

Some of the latest trends in body lotion cater to:

  • smooth arms and legs by working at the rough spots on the body via exfoliation
  • delivering super hydration
  • achieving a clear, silky and young-looking arms and legs
  • targeting dry patches and furbishing soft skin
  • ease away scars and stretch marks
  • do away with cellulite
  • exfoliate ingrown hair
  • enhance your tan
  • add a glow and shimmer to your body
  • anti-aging results particularly targeting the wrinkles of hands and feet
  • body lotions are a way to add a subtle fragrance to oneself without wearing any perfume

The latest trends in body lotions feature organic ingredients. They tout to be kind to your covering. Ingredients derived from nature are complex and diverse. The effectiveness of body lotion containing organic ingredients depend on:

  • the ingredients
  • their processing and extracting method
  • their different combinations and formulations in a product

Some of the best organic elements used in best body lotions include:

  • lavandin essential oil
  • argan oil
  • lemongrass oil
  • raw coconut oil
  • mango butter
  • avocado extract
  • algae extract
  • rosehip oil
  • jojoba oil
  • green tea extract
  • papaya fruit ferment and papaya seed oil
  • olive oil
  • aloe vera

The list goes on for organic essentials.

Body lotions with organic components are a great way to nourish your body all over. These include potent fruit and vegetable carrier and essential oils. They act on your covering without any harsh effects. Some of them are nutrient-dense. These include coconut oil, avocado oil, shea butter, and rosehip seed oil. They specifically function to change the chemical balance of the covering for the best.

When you are out shopping for a body lotion, make sure to know your skin-type. There are products that are:

  • water-based
  • aloe-based
  • butter-based
  • oil-based

The dry and aging layer works best with butter-based lotions. Water or aloe-based products suit sensitive and acne-prone casing.

How to make the best use of body lotion

  • Select a brand that suits your skin type.
  • Give yourself a total body treatment once every day.
  • For best results, do not scrub yourself dry after a shower. Pat dry and apply the lotion on slightly damp and warm skin for greatest absorption.
  • For areas that are stubbornly dry, like hands, elbows, knees, and neck. Apply a generous amount and reapply if required.
  • Try to buy a separate product that specifically targets hands and feet. These parts bear the most brunt of aging and environmental pollutants.

Take home message

Selecting a body lotion that matches your skin type is a daunting task. Knowing your skin makes a difference. Pairing it up with accurate ingredients would ensure healthy skin. Not only that, it is big on saving your precious money despite a hefty price tag. Why? Because it suits your skin.

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