Why IT is a Great Career Choice

Why IT is a Great Career Choice

If you enjoy working with computers and solving problems, a career in Information Technology may be a good fit for you. The field is continually evolving, and opportunities for growth and advancement are endless. If you’re considering beginning a new career, this article will share some of the advantages and disadvantages of a career in the IT field.

Here Are 15 Reasons Why IT is a Great Career Choice

Here are some of the top advantages (pros) of pursuing a career in the IT (information technology) field:


Career opportunities in computer and information technology are growing.

The gap between these opportunities and those qualified to fill the positions is also growing. As technology evolves daily, so does the need for new, innovative employees with the latest up-to-date training to enter the field. As the demand grows, so do the opportunities for growth and advancement.


If you are fascinated by computers, then a career in Information Technology just makes sense. You will have the opportunity to do something fun every day and maybe be amazed by how technology is applied to different industries.


Working technology is a necessity for just about every occupation. The options are endless, from government and healthcare to small businesses and agriculture.

Many IT positions are typical office hours, but you may be able to find positions that allow you to work remotely, work during odd hours, or work on a project-by-project basis. When you’re skilled at what you do, where and when you do it may be flexible.


IT is a great career field for anyone who enjoys solving a riddle. When you arrive in the office, it’s impossible to know what problems may arise and what solutions you may develop. It’s a constant challenge, but if you are excited about meeting the challenge head-on, this career will not disappoint.


Advancements in technology are not slowing down any time soon. In fact, many industries are finding new ways to use automation and computers to improve a customer’s experience. This industry has exploded over the past 20 years, and the train is not slowing down!


Working from home has become a popular trend, but it’s not always possible with some careers. Luckily, IT is one career that does allow for some flexibility. After an initial setup, most IT troubleshooting work is done on a computer over the Internet. With the right skills and training, you may be able to find positions that are completely remote.

A study has found that there are many important benefits to remote or flexible work. A 2018 survey found that most people said having a more flexible job would have a positive impact on their quality of life. While a job in IT may be challenging, it may also allow for a greater work-life balance.


If you use technology regularly, much of the work you do may be intuitive. Automations are meant to make life easier, after all. If you are handy with a computer and have spent some time troubleshooting issues at home, you may find learning IT concepts comes naturally. If you get stuck, plenty of resources help you understand different techniques to address and resolve the issue at hand.


Working in IT requires you to have specialized knowledge and the ability to prove your skills, and many employers do not require candidates to have a college degree. You can gain new skills and build your resume by completing an IT Training Program.

If you are unsure where to start with a career in Information Technology, you should consider enrolling in an IT Program. The program covers a wide variety of topics, and at the end of the program, you should feel confident applying for entry-level positions in the field.


We all know technology is changing daily, but someone with basic skills to get started can evolve with the technology and build a career that can last. There are plenty of opportunities to go in-depth on certain topics and gain certifications that can quickly help you advance your IT career.


At its core, a career in IT is all about helping people. You can take great satisfaction in sharing your skills and knowledge with those who need it. Your work helps protect people’s privacy, makes working more efficient, and solves important issues.


A career in IT is a great fit for out-of-the-box thinkers. Sometimes complex problems call for creative solutions, and this is where you will have the opportunity to shine.


One of the great things about working in such a quickly growing field in the technology sector is the availability of training options open to you due to the high demand for qualified technicians. You can begin training for a career in IT completely online in just a few hours a week or get more comprehensive training through a trade school program.

There are plenty of programs that offer hands-on learning experiences and the opportunity to learn from people who have worked in the field. Don’t be intimidated by an in-person program. These programs offer training on a wide variety of topics that will set you up for success no matter what direction you decide to go with your career and can be completed in as few as ten months.


Some people are nervous about beginning a new career because of the cost of training, but that’s not really an excuse for a career in IT. When you enroll in a trade school program, you can apply for financial aid that may make the program more affordable than you thought.


As an IT technician, you never know what issues may come up during the day. As new software comes out and new programs, there is always something new to explore and something new to learn. The more you learn, the more chances you may have to grow in the field.


In the Information Technology Field, you have the option to try different solutions until you find the one that works. Sometimes it takes several attempts, but you’ll learn to keep trying until you reach your goal.


You should train for a career in the IT field if you have an interest in technology, enjoy solving problems, and like providing great customer service. If you are driven to learn, you can build a rewarding career that’s flexible and fulfilling in the Information Technology Field.

Careers in this industry have skyrocketed in the past ten years, and the field is only expected to grow. Information technology is an excellent choice for someone looking to start a new career because it has the right combination of potential and need. Not enough people have the training to take on a position in this field, giving those who do a huge advantage. Many people have begun to recognize this potential so the more training you can achieve, the better your chances are of finding the perfect job position.

A day in the life of someone in an Information Technology position may include fixing, maintaining or offering support to manage an organization’s computer systems. You never know what problems you may encounter, so you’ll need training on the latest tools and techniques to keep up. As the industry evolves, there is always something new to learn, making this a great option for someone who likes things fast-paced and who does not want to be bored.

An IT Technician’s job is to solve problems that help a business function more efficiently. It’s a great feeling to use your unique skills to help an entire organization.

You should train for a career as an IT Technician if you have or would like to develop these skills:

  • Great communication. As an IT Technician, you’re often helping people who are not good with technology solve their technical problems. This can require patience, but it also requires you to be able to communicate clearly.
  • Ability to work with your hands for repairs and installations. IT work is hands-on when you are installing a system or equipment. If you enjoy understanding how things work, this is a good career for you.
  • Organized. IT Technicians help install new equipment and then manage and keep it running over time. It’s helpful for someone in this position to be organized and keep good notes about how old equipment is and any issues that have popped up repeatedly.
  • Value people’s privacy. Privacy is a huge issue for individuals and for businesses. It’s often left up to the IT department to protect a business’s valuable information stored within its computer system.


If starting a career in IT sounds like a good fit for you, getting started is easier than you may think. The IT field is constantly evolving and creating new opportunities to get started with any amount of experience. In fact, there is no universal way to begin a career in the IT field. Following these steps may be one of the easiest and quickest ways to build a foundation of knowledge and begin a career you can be proud of:

Step 1: Research opportunities.

There are so many different positions to consider in the IT field. Before you begin your training, it may be helpful to have an idea of what type of work you enjoy the most. Do you like working with your hands or installing new equipment? Do you prefer troubleshooting issues? Maybe you have a passion for cyber security. Do you want to work remotely someday?

Take some time to talk to those currently working in the field to better understand their daily responsibilities. It’s always a good idea to seek comprehensive training, but getting certified in one area may give you a better chance of doing that daily.

Step 2: Research training opportunities.

There are so many ways to gain knowledge about the IT field. There are hundreds of online training and videos that will offer a wealth of information, but programs that are set up to prepare you for a career are rarely free. You should expect to invest some money in your training.

Step 3: Enroll in and complete a training program.

Many trade colleges offer programs in Information Technology or Computer and Network Technician (CNT). These programs provide an excellent foundation for a career in the IT field. Further training adds to your opportunities.

Step 4: Update your resume.

A resume is an important part of any job search, but in the IT field, which depends so much on experience and knowledge, it is even more crucial. The skills portion of your resume should highlight the courses you’ve taken.

You can add to your resume by volunteering to do some projects on a freelance basis or seeking professional certifications.

There are dozens of certifications available, but the most popular include CompTia, Microsoft, Oracle, Certified Ethical Hacker, Certified Information Systems Security Professional, and Certified Information Security Manager. Certifications are paramount for most IT jobs and for advancing in the field.

Step 5: Apply for positions.

Equipped with training, experience, and a great resume, you are ready to begin applying for IT positions.

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