Twiva–Get Paid As An Influencer in Kenya

Twiva–Get Paid As An Influencer in Kenya

Do you want to know how to sign up? Make extra cash from sales conversions? Get gigs? Initiate an active and engaging Social media marketing campaign?

There is no need to worry, here let’s go….

Twiva Influencer marketing app that pays in Kenya has two ways of signing up whether you are a business or an influencer;

  1. Through the website version – The web version of their platform is optimized for both businesses and influencers who need to sign up.

For a business signing up you will be prompted to create a profile account that will be able to showcase an aerial outlook of your brand. Mostly, here you need to make your business look different and how unique your products are from the competitors.


As an influencer, the process looks different. However, here the app will prompt you to create an e-shop that will be connected to the app for products amplifications.

Have challenges connecting your e-shop with the Twiva App? Watch this video.

Once you are set, it is easy now for you to pick products from the listing provided by the small businesses in the platform, match them with your rate card and continue amplifying them on your connected social media platforms.

  • Through the android app found in the Google play store – Unlike the web version, this is simpler for you. Once you have the app downloaded to your smartphone, it’s easier to follow the same process as defined above.

Typically, there are so many influencer marketing apps in Kenya that pay. But building your business an influence on the leading influencer marketing app like Twiva will save you more than you could on the other platforms.

Final Thoughts on Influencer marketing apps that pay in Kenya.

The growth of mobile connectivity in Kenya has quickly changed the way businesses interact with their customers. It is quite clear that as a business you want to get more from the market, whether invisible or visible, sales are always important.

You can’t achieve this while trying to double-clutch with agencies that will not give you immediate results. Twiva, unlike these other agencies, has the best process of connecting your brand with the right market that is wide and immediate in sales conversion.

Influencers, on the other hand, have been cushioned the liability of looking for a brand to work for them. This influencer marketing app that pays in Kenya is already solving the challenges of pitching proposals to relevant businesses.

Get started today!

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