How to Showcase Your Communication Skills During an Interview

How to Showcase Your Communication Skills During an Interview
Effective communication and meeting leadership are more crucial than ever in today’s job market. Meetings are no longer just organizational necessities; they’ve evolved into platforms where ideas are exchanged, decisions are made and relationships are built.

As a job seeker, demonstrating your ability to communicate and lead meetings can set you apart from other candidates during the interview process. Steven shared with me his suggestions for exemplifying these skills during the hiring process.

One of the hallmarks of a strong communicator is the ability to actively listen during conversations. The first step is to “genuinely listen” to the questions posed during the interview, said Steven. Instead of preparing your response while the interviewer is still speaking, fully absorb what they’re saying and ask clarifying questions if needed. Taking a brief pause before responding shows that you are thoughtful and helps make sure that your answers are aligned with what’s being asked.

In addition to listening, it’s important to allow space for others to participate in the conversation. Steven says that a successful meeting leader ensures “the floor" opens up for everyone involved and doesn’t allow “highly egocentric voices” to dominate. Apply this principle during your interview by giving concise answers and inviting further discussion.

For example, after giving an initial response, you could say, “I’m happy to elaborate if needed.” This allows your interviewers to guide the conversation and shows you value their input.

Showcase Thoughtful Communication

Interviews are essentially meetings, pacing and structuring your responses thoughtfully can make a big difference. Steven suggested that “pausing for 10 seconds before you answer does not look bad for you. It looks good for you." Use that pause to organize your thoughts into clear, digestible points rather than delivering long, winding answers.

Being concise and giving power back to the interviewer is another way to demonstrate excellent meeting leadership skills. You can say, “Let me give a quick answer to this, but I’m happy to expand or probe in any direction you’d like." This approach ensures that the conversation remains fluid and engaging while respecting everyone’s time — a key trait of good meeting leadership.

Focus on Collaboration

Interviews will often touch on how you work with others. Steven suggested candidates be ready to discuss situations where they’ve helped solve problems or contributed to group projects.

“To the extent that the individual can signal that meetings actually matter, and they are very much dedicated to being an excellent steward of others’ time when they run meetings, that’s powerful,” he said.

Highlighting your ability to lead productive meetings, where everyone’s voice is heard and decisions are made efficiently, can distinguish you as a thoughtful and collaborative candidate and a possible team leader.

Ask the Right Questions

Finally, don’t forget that interviews are also your opportunity to ask questions. Steven suggested inquiring about the role meetings play within the organization. For hybrid or remote positions, this is especially crucial since meetings may serve as your main channel of communication with the team. Asking about how the company supports remote employees or how decisions are made during meetings can signal your interest in being an engaged and proactive member of the team.

Good communication and meeting leadership are skills that many organizations value — especially in today’s collaborative and hybrid work environments. You can demonstrate your leadership potential during job interviews by listening actively, communicating thoughtfully, focusing on collaboration and asking insightful questions.
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