Registration Process of a Community Based Organization (CBO) In KENYA

Registration Process of a Community Based Organization (CBO) In KENYA

What is a Community Based Organization in kenya?

A community based organization (CBO) is a registered non-governmental, non-profit and non-political organization that works at the local level to address the needs and interests of a specific community. The key characteristics of a community based organization in Kenya are;

  • Registered: CBOs must be formally registered with the Department of Gender and Social Development under the Community Group Registration Act 2022.
  • Non-Governmental: While they may collaborate with government agencies, CBOs operate independently.
  • Non-Profit: CBOs don’t aim to make a profit.Their primary goal is community development
  • Non-Political: CBOs should not be affiliated with any political party or engage in political activities.
  • Local Focus: CBOs operate at the grassroots level, serving a specific geographic community or a particular segment within that community (e.g., youth, women, etc.).
  • Community Driven: CBOs are typically initiated and managed by members of the community they serve. This ensures the organization addresses genuine local needs and priorities.

Community based organizations (CBOs) vary in size and structure, ranging from small, informal groups to larger, more structured organizations. They address diverse issues such as health, education, environmental conservation, economic empowerment, and social welfare.

In Kenya, The Department of Gender and Social Development oversees the registration of community based organizations (CBOs) under the Community Group Registration Act 2022, which provides a legal framework for their operation. This registration grants them formal recognition, enabling access to resources and partnerships to enhance their community impact.

The requirements for registration of a Community based organization (CBO) 

  1. Name Search: Ensure the chosen name for the CBO is unique and available for registration.
  2. Meeting Minutes: Include the minutes from the meeting where the decision to register the CBO was made and officials were elected. These minutes must be attached to the application form.
  3. Member List: Provide a list of all members, including their names, positions, ID numbers, mobile numbers, and signatures. This list must be attached to the application form.
  4. Constitution: Submit a copy of the CBO’s constitution along with the application form.
  5. ID Copies: Attach copies of the identification documents for all members.
  6. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): If the CBO is being formed through the amalgamation of several groups, include an MOU.
  7. Original Certificates: Attach the original certificates of the affiliate groups involved in the amalgamation.
  8. Registration Fee: Pay the approved registration fee.

Stages to forming a CBO

  • Organize yourselves into a group. Let the members have a common theme and a common goal that drives the need for the said CBO. It may be to clean your community or apply for government tenders so that you can overcome poverty and so on.
  • Draft a constitution that will guide the CBO. This is a set of rules and guidelines that will govern the CBO. Together as a community, you should come up with these rules so that they can be embraced by everyone. Once you agree, then you should create a copy which all involved parties will sign. The members should also commit to the terms and conditions.
  • In that constitution, the CBO should clearly state their missions, goals and objectives.
  • Thirdly the CBO should meet and define the roles of the chairman, secretary and treasurer. Then the minutes of the meeting should be recorded. When you go to the Ministry of Labour and social planning, one of the documents that will be required is the minutes of the first meeting showing the need and agreement to be registered.

Step-by-Step Registration Process of a community-based organization

  1. Create an eCitizen Account:
  2. Name Search:
    • Submit a name search request to ensure your chosen name is unique.
  3. Pre-Registration Training:
    • Attend the mandatory training session conducted by the State Department for Social Protection.
  4. Gather Required Documents:
    • Prepare all necessary documents, including the meeting minutes, member list, and by-laws.
  5. Submit Application:
    • Complete the registration process online through the eCitizen portal.
  6. Pay Registration Fee:
    • Pay the required fee through the designated payment methods.

CBO registration is now online. Therefore, members need to have an ecitizen account in order to complete the registration.


After five business days, your registration will be approved and the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection will issue you with a Certificate of Registration.

Post registration requirements

After registration, the community-based organization must adhere to the following requirements;

  • The community-based organization has to renew the certificate annually.
  • Submit quarterly progress reports to the Registering Authority.
  • Grant access of its records to the Registering Authority upon request.

Benefits of registering a community based organization in kenya

Registering a CBO in Kenya provides several benefits, including access to funding, increased credibility, and support from both government and non-governmental organizations.

The difference between a CBO and an NGO

  • An NGO has no affiliation with the government and works for a cause. A CBO on the other hand is restricted to an area.
  • An NGO is a fully legal entity with an organizational structure and has employees. It can collect funds and avail tax deductions. In contrast, a CBO is made up of people from the same locality who come together to support a particular cause in a specific area.
  • A CBO doesn’t have a legal framework since it’s an informal arrangement by a group of people who want to improve their community. According to the law, an NGO needs to have a legal memorandum and an adequate structure of members.
  • Both CBOs and NGOs depend on generous donations from people, celebrities and corporations for funding.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How long does the registration process take?

A: The process typically takes a few weeks, depending on the completeness of the submitted documents.

Q: What is the difference between a CBO and an NGO?

A: A CBO is smaller and focuses on local-community issues, and it’s run by community members to address specific community needs. An NGO on the other hand operates on a broader scale, and works at national or international levels. it has formal structures and receives funding from external sources like international donors, governments, or corporate sponsors.

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